
Quick update

*edit* Well, that got taken down pretty quickly. I've changed the link to swfchan for now. It's not as straightforward as MF, but I think it's not bad compared to 90% of the other file sharing sites out there.

I'm trying to work on the game when I can because I didn't get much done over the weekend, but I'll probably have to delay the next release until the end of the week.

Hey, just checking in. I've mainly been working on new characters again this weekend, so there's nothing new yet, but I've uploaded the last version again here (with the gag layering fixed):
SWFChan mirror v1.17b: SuperDeepthroat1_17b.swf

One anon pointed out that mediafire might be auto filtering certain words, so I've renamed the swf slightly to see if it stays up. Otherwise, any suggestions for alternative file services would be helpful. I've had a few old versions taken down by MF before, but I assumed they just got caught in big file sweeps rather than being someone looking for SDT specifically.



Download v1.17b: SuperDeepthroat1_17b.swf

*edit* Mirrored here for now: http://swfchan.com/22/109502/?SuperDeepthroat1_17b.swf
See Download page for latest DL link.
I haven't seen a notification from mediafire, so I don't know yet if the file was deliberately taken down or if it's just an error.

 - Tifa.
 - Zelda (Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword versions).
 - Elf ears.
 - Freckles slider test. (Freckles are randomly placed at the moment, so they'll jump around when you move the slider, but once I get some feedback I'll try to improve the look.)
 - Minor fixes to sweat and modding (gag mods should work properly again now).
(The new eyebrows aren't in this release because I can't quite get them to look good yet, but they'll be in the next version.)


Midweek update

Hey, midweek update because I didn't get much time to work on the game over the weekend, but today I've mainly been working on:
 - Some fixes and tweaks to the new modding and sweat features.
 - Setting up her ears and eyebrows to enable different options, and sketching some quick examples.
 - Sketching out a new character hair (not in the screenshot yet).
 - Testing out a random freckle slider.

Updates are probably going to be slow while I'm working on new characters, so after next weekend I might start doing fortnightly updates instead. I think it would be better to have something good to see each time instead of rushing features or delaying the update, but I'll see how it goes.



Download v1.16.2b: SuperDeepthroat1_16_2b.swf

Download CS5.5 Modding Files: SDTModding.zip
Download CS5 Modding Files: SDTModdingCS5.zip

See Download page for latest DL links.

This is mainly an update for swf mods again, but I've also added in the sweat droplets I've been trying out - she'll start to sweat when she's out of breath. I probably spent too much time on a feature that's so hard to see, but the droplets try to flow with the shape of her body, and they grow and merge when they touch.

Swf mods now include a template and basic tutorial for her whole body. I started out making a few separate tutorials originally, but this way you can just use the main template and delete the parts you don't want to mod. There is a separate template just for modding her nipples though, so you don't have to mess around with breast sizes if that's all you want to do.

I haven't had a chance to read through all of the comments from last weeks post yet, but I'll post replies when I can. As usual any feedback or bug reporting on the swf mods is helpful though.