

Checking in

Nothing major to report unfortunately. Didn't get much time to work on the game this weekend, so I've mainly been tweaking the animation and testing out possible controls for swallowing (possibly adding mouse up / down control and making it automatic if you have her looking up). It's still some way from being release ready, but whatever happens I'll post a proper update next weekend.


  1. Awesome. Keep up the good work!


    Okay. :)

  3. kona, you're awesome. Very rarely do projects like this (porn, flash, moddable) get so much continued support from the dude behind them, and I am continually amazed that week after week you're still working on it! And not even charging anything for it, to boot. So, you're forever Great in this anonymous commenter's eyes.

    Stay golden!

  4. Aw, I'm going away in two days and I'm not gonna have internet for like two weeks... I was hoping to get in a good fap or two (or 15) before then. Ah well, it's done when it's done, I guess. Every update thus far has been more than worth the wait.

  5. ohh por Dios! ya quiero ver la nueva version!
    saludos desde mexico!

  6. I'd love to have a new "Beta" version of sorts. I don't care how buggy or inopperable it is at the moment, i want to test it out and play with some new features. Maybe as a side release for people who want to test out what you've got so far?

  7. As long as I know you're there, I'm satisfied.

    Also, Justin D., as the developer of the flash, Konashion can release it whenever he wants. If the flash isn't up to his standards for release, then there's no reason to release it. It'll come out regardless, so there's no harm in waiting. That is, of course, if you CANNOT absolutely wait.

  8. swallowing FTW. much better than nostril spray, in my opinion. Keep up the good work, will be checking here at least weekly

  9. And what about xray view ?
    Let us know :)

  10. Kona,

    I <3 u

    That is all.

  11. xray would be great

  12. Thank you for your continued efforts and updates.
    You are a bro among bros.

  13. If you add the lower half of the girl, and flip her around horizontally, you have the perfect doggy-style sex / anal sex position.

    You don't really even need to change anything, cum spray / leaking, initial resistence, "saliva" (vaj fluid) and all that would work the same way for the vaj and anus as it currently does for the mouth.

    Anyway, that's what I'd like to see in an update one day.

    Good work to date!

  14. ... such disappointment! Please release a beta, the wait is killing me! I still have faith though btw.

  15. Glad to hear that things are coming along with the game :) life happens, so delays are expected, but I'm sure we're all looking forward to it regardless.

    If I may suggest something? I know there's a ton of options already available, but is there any way you could maybe add another tab? The only reason I ask is for options like the happy/angry mode what has been suggested on the forum(if it ever comes to pass)and for another tab we could check off for whether or not she swallows or lets it fall out of her mouth like it currently does

  16. only trolls click the negative choices.

    this shit is too good

  17. Keep up the good work!

  18. I gently echo crimsonwings. Also, please take your time and don't listen to anyone telling you to rush. You're a godsend in the dry flash porn environment we currently live in. Thanks.

  19. You could not release an update for 10 more weeks and this would still be far less irritating than reading Notch's blog. There's something really annoying about the way he talks about not getting work done

  20. Well, in 2d controls cant be so easy, try to make her keeping the sperm in mouth, and click to swallow, otherwise to spit use mouse control to move her head forward.....
    Or add some others keys on keyboard.

  21. great job so far, I'm impressed by how much detail is in the game. Dont rush it if you know it does not meet your standards, I'm just happy to see the creator tweaking a work to be even better than what it is. If the first product was this good, I'm sure that holding off on it till everything you want in the game gets put in will make it a very impressive flash game. Keep up the great work.

  22. I'd be happy with swallowing just being an option you toggle in the options... maybe with a hotkey, don't really care. I'm always going to have her swallow either way. >:)

    btw, it would be awesome if she'd have a random chance to get hiccups after swallowing. That'd be both cute and extremely hot.

  23. also change the type of penis.mine for example is great, not found...joke.

  24. am looking forward to the swallowing feature :) but just giving you some fan input, if would be cool if you can customize her butt and such :P that would be a very neat feature

  25. amazing job, keep up the work!
    surprised at the smaller shitstorm this time

  26. Wish happy/non-forced was a bigger priority but as long as you or someone will get to it sometime, that's ok I guess. What would be really hot would be like something from the circle FreeStyle, where the woman is the one forcing deep-throat herself, and the man has his hands tied. Now THERE is a fantasy that rarely sees any service!

    Regardless, good work, keep it up.

  27. Keep up the awesome work man.

  28. the hair styles don't have animation!!!please, create the animation of hair style!

  29. Well I've got some graphics to share but I've been unable to register. Any idea where can I post?

  30. Still keeping hope alive for X-ray of some sort, as well as spitting up/puking as an option... I know it isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it would be a dream come true to see it implemented at some point.

    Keep up the great work, Kona. All your efforts so far are greatly appreciated by so many of us.

  31. It's great that your still updating this. But like most people have been saying it's a good idea to try to get the import hair moving. Of course i know this means recoding a lot but it seems to be one of the most requested things so far. But it's still great that your adding things to it anyway.

  32. Excited as Hell! Keep up the amazing work!

  33. >"Well I've got some graphics to share but I've been unable to register. Any idea where can I post?"

    The Booru. See Konashion's links in the upper-right area of the page.

  34. Will you eventually add in interchangeable shirts/pants/skirts/stockings/gloves/bras/panties?

  35. Come on ! update <3

  36. NO CUSTOM CHARACTERS SAVING OPTION ?!? Hey just got down trying the hair import which worked great, I notice however there is no way to save your work short of generating code and importing every time. It would be nice if we could save our characters and have them added to the standard list for easy access in the future. Maybe I missed this somewhere, seems essential...

  37. update Pleaseee.....

    i rly cant wait any longer

    cant wait longer....

    cant wait...


  38. >"Maybe I missed this somewhere"

    Yes you did:

  39. The Generated Profile could be part of the import process, only encoded as colors in the bottom left corner of the fourth quadrant, with an unique signature (such as #ff0000 #00ff00 #0000ff sequence) for indicating that an encoded profile exist, and following that each of the options encoded as a color.

  40. can we get some cock biters?


  42. Maybe he's tsunami victim ?

  43. If that's the case, I think I'm going to cut off my dick.

  44. lol guys... lol

  45. Want update. WANT!

  46. At first I was like:
    >EL OH EL, S.A.M.U.R.A.I. - The Shadow of Fukushima!!!111 HILARIOUS, XD XD XD

    But then I realised that the SuperDeepthroat update will most likely be cancelled or at least delayed and was all like:


  47. We're fucked.

  48. Konashion man!
    We truly hope nothing bad happened to you or someone of your family.
    Your work is great and we are all grateful to you for it!
    We are ready to wait as long as needed for an update, because we know what your country is going through.
    Take your time, we hold our fingers crossed for you!

  49. ^
    What he said :/

  50. Shit looks like Earth manages to fuck everything we look forward to up.

  51. ... So wait, how do we know Konashion is Japanese again?

  52. Don't know where people got that idea. Update usually comes late so he can use every hour of the weekend.

  53. I just hope he makes his update before I go to bed. Don't we all, rite?

  54. I can't wait for the update.

  55. I love this game!

    Here are some basic ideas and suggestions on how to make this game perfect.

    Make it possible to replace the guy with futa and the guy/futa clothes the same way the hair is replaced. The camera being zoomed out a bit is nice so we can see the guy/futa better and the naked sucker better. Make it possible to replace the sucker with guy or girl and put costume on/off them. The end result is something like chunli getting a blowjob from cammy or chunli getting a blow job from some generic guy or from ryu lol.

  56. F5ing like crazy here.

  57. Thank you. Please don't be concerned for me though, I am entirely unaffected by this disaster. I will be posting the weekend update soon (one or two hours).

  58. ... That's it. Good to know you're okay, konashion. But anyways, I'm off to bed, can't stay up for another hour or two, I'll see what's up in the morning. Cheers.

  59. Glad to hear you're okay.

  60. can you also make the controls left and right on the keyboard correspong to the movement as well?

  61. This is epic. This is like a new Final Fantasy coming out or something. So much hype.

  62. I am looking forward to your update.
    And it must suck Kona receiving all the requests and stuff. Must get overwhelming sometimes when everyone demands so much.

  63. cool, kona is okay!!!!

  64. If nature took Kona from us, I think I'd swear off porn forever.
    And that really says something.

    Go Kona go. :D

  65. Hey guys, what's the significance of the space bar? When I hold it for awhile the customizations are randomized and then there's a chime.

  66. Looking forward to it...^^

  67. Assuming konashion is from japan, shouldn't he need to put censor bars in the game?

    Obviously I'm not saying he should lol. That would ruin a great game. But I'm curious how the japanese censor law would work when it comes to a non-profit fan made game like this.

  68. I doubt he's Japanese, where did people even get that idea? His English is far too good, and there would be much more Japanese commenters don't you think?

  69. He's set his blogspot timmezone to GMT - 7, which is like on the other side of the world from Japan. I doubt he's Japanese. And if he is, I doubt even harder that he lives in Japan.

  70. "Assuming konashion is from japan, shouldn't he need to put censor bars in the game?"

    Those regulations are put on pornography that is sold and distributed in Japan. Because SDT is only being distributed on the internet, it is subject to no law.
