


DL v1.8.2b: SuperDeepthroat1_8_2b.swf See Download page for latest DL link.
*Edit* Fixed RGB control alignment and swf background.
*Edit* Fixed hair loading bug.

This is just a very quick update, mainly to fix a bug with otherFinish dialogue not loading properly. There are a few small new features though:
 - RGB controls for gags (though you'll only see a difference on the ring and tube gags).
 - RGB controls for leather blindfold.
 - Tongue piercings (the animation for these is automatic at the moment, but if it turns out to be too buggy I'll animate it manually).
 - A scrolling menu for all of the costume options, because I'm going to run out of space soon. (It's not ideal, but it's better than making the menu cover the entire screen.)

Apart from that, this weekend I started working on moving his penis out again, and finally adding proper saving support for swf imports. Those features aren't in this release, but they should be done soon. You'll be able to move her more freely by holding down the mouse, so to hide hair elements you have to hold shift and click now.


  1. You're the best!

  2. This version crashes when i try to import hair?

  3. Me too. Can´t load my custom characters!!!

  4. I like the looks of this bukkake mode, but find that ejaculation doesn't work for me when it's on.

  5. Your efforts are appreciated as always, I like the tongue piercing addition. Unfortunately having the same crash on hair import problem as reported by others. Tried with several, every time the screen goes black.

  6. Mine doesnt load hair!

  7. Moving his penis out?

  8. Awesome stuff but what do you mean by: hold mouse to move freely when off?

  9. Okay, try downloading it again. Somehow I managed to get a stack underflow with the release compile, so I've uploaded a version with different settings.

    Ignore the help about mouse holding, it's not actually in this version yet. I was just in the middle of working on it when I saw the comments about the dialogue bug (which this version hopefully fixes).

  10. Thanks Kona for the quick response to the new bug and for all your hard work I just can't get enough of this game.

  11. I imported my hair but when I click on the portraits nothing happens. Pleas try and fix this, hair imports aren't working :( (awesome game though) :)

  12. It now works perfectly fine for me. Thanks a lot!

  13. Yes Thanks alot

  14. PERFECT!!! Someone calls ``HELP´´ and then Mister ``Superman´´ Konashion comes to save the day. Thank you, Sir for updating the update of the update. Now I know that there are still some honorable people left in this cold world who care for their brothers...

  15. Konasion you work too hard...unless this is really your thing.

    Have a beer good sir. It's on me!

  16. Awesome stuff! You mentioned you're working on changes to the save system - what do you think of having the zoom level, initial resistance, dialog settings and the 'mirrored' option save per-character? I'd use it.
    Can't wait to see the next version!

  17. So, what big feature do you plan to add next ?

  18. awesome!

    Do you think we'll get hand twitching / struggling eventually?


  19. Are you a robot, because you sir are awesome thanks for the fix!

  20. I can't click to remove parts of hair or hats now. Is that a mistake with this version?

  21. You are the best kind of human being! The kind that gives me porn.

  22. I get an 'Invalid or Deleted File' error when I follow the download link.

  23. Same, it says it's been deleted or something. ):

  24. You might have to reload the page, I changed the DL link a couple of times while I was fixing those bugs.

    To remove hair now you have to hold shift, then click.

  25. good job on the updates

    but still I feel like your ignoring
    this small like requests I asked
    for weeks now and still notthing

    I understand you got your hands full
    by fixing bugs making new versions

    but I'm still watching for
    a "video presentation"
    about upload mods and dialogue
    creating our owed mods and ete..

    please post one video so everyone
    cuz I really dont know how mods work?
    even with the writing tutorial

    reply this comment asap
    or whenever
    anyways keep up the good work

  26. She obviously can't speak during the deepthroat itself, so any possibility of adding "thoughts" to the dialogs?

    Amazing job as always btw

  27. Anonymous above, you should be able to figure out how to do modding yourself. In stead of wasting konashion's time with such requests, read the wiki and the comments here, figure it out and make the modding video yourself. It's really not that hard.

  28. or just ask in the forum

  29. How difficult would it be to add a greater range for her body size?

  30. the guy that no one pays attention to30 August 2011 at 01:25

    Please Fix!
    The file at MediaFire is damaged and completely unplayable.

  31. konashion аdd please support the dialogue in the codepage UTF-8.

  32. Looks like dialog export is broken.

  33. The Swedish Drummer30 August 2011 at 01:44

    WOW :)

    You constantly surprise me... This has got to be the longest-developing online-sexgame EVER and it just KEEPS improving!

    The tongue works much nicer now (retracting when making her suck etc) although I would prefer a slightly bigger one so she can really extend it.

    Also, the term "Dialogue Name" is slightly misleading; perhaps something like "Player Name" would be better?

    The scrolling menu is just fine, keep adding things and we´ll ALL be happy :)


  34. I sincerely hope this means there will be more piercings in the future (nipples, nose, lip, ears) with multiple options and sizes for each.

  35. Beastafidenature30 August 2011 at 03:19


  36. Any news on the bra alpha slider?

  37. hey konash, will swf imports include SWF Opener compatibility?

  38. how about making her stomach swell as she swallows cum

  39. what's up with the forum?

  40. Hey Konash! I have a couple of request, hopefully someone agrees!

    1. Bellybutton piercing, or other piercings
    2. Another anon said stomach swelling. That would be cool!
    3. More upper clothing options as well as lower clothing options (shirts, jeans, skirts, etc.)
    4. More guy options (clothing, size, etc.)
    5. HD mode, meaning when i make the game fullscreen it actually goes the whole width of my screen.
    6. More animations in general (struggling, fighting, coughing blood? Does that make me weird? XD)
    8. HD mode continued, make it so we can use HD backgrounds so they fit the screen completely

    I know you are probably busy, but those are my request! Does anyone agree with any of those?

  41. I sincerely hope this means there will be more piercings in the future (nipples, nose, lip, ears) with multiple options and sizes for each.

    What i wanted to say! But Konash u rock!

  42. ello, i think your doing a great job and i just love you for it. however i havent played this newest update and i would really like to download it but... its not on mediafire anymore. could you please re-upload it, or something like that so that i can play your wonderful game.

  43. First off: Great work once again, Konashion.

    I have one suggestion/request:
    A 'command line' option with web support.
    Basically, allowing the game to be configured on launch, either using a www-link or shortcut to the file (should work the same?).
    Basicly, some sort of auto-launch/-configuration/-import.

    As an example:, 90,120,128,1& etc.

    I believe this would be very usefull, allowing us the send around characters directly or storing/loading them online, some degree of integration into other games might also work, basicly, calling on SDT.swf to deal with the blowjobbing.
    For all this a command line option to skip the title screen would be usefull, but of course, for reasons of giving credit, then either your name should be some sort of constant watermark, or maybe adapt the title screen to hide the buttons and just proceed after 2 seconds or so.

  44. i still cant download the newest version

  45. The link at the top of this page, under the picture, seems to work, but the link on "downloads" isn't working. Odd, you might want to look into that, sir.

  46. Hey Konashion, I swear this game gets better and better with every release (no pun intended)

    Just a thought or suggestion, perhaphs with a future update you could add skirts, or other body piercings.

    Again though. Top notch work.

  47. Nice update, Kona! Really like the piercings, it's a nice addition. The scrollbar doesn't bother me one bit, just shows how much effort is being made to make this something special (for which you have my gratitude!).

    Can I ask a stupid question though? On auto you can see the girls take it in slowly and then gain more depth then before, how can I manage this on manual control? The only way I know for now is gaining momentum and make it slip in deeper by accident, the more violent approach so to speak. Does anyone have some tips on that?

    My cincere compliments on this project, Kona!

  48. Hi guys.

    The forum is in maintenance mode because we are migrating to new server software as well as updating the forum software. It's already been 24 hours, so we should be back up by tomorrow. Until then here are alternate locations for the .swf and a stand alone projector version.

  49. Hey Konashion amazing stuff but I can't seem to copy and paste any Character codes into the custom save data (slot?) or any left clicking activites (eg. copy, paste, delete, etc.)

  50. Hey Kona, thanks for the continued progress and response for this game. As a sort of request going off of something you've just implemented, do you plan on adding nipple piercings any time soon?

  51. Hey Kona, I'm simply in love with all the work, thanks for workin so hard for all us loyal fans.

    One thing, I'm having the same problem as the Anonymous abov me, I can't copy and paste Character Codes into the Custom Save Data bar.

    Nonetheless, thanks for all the work, I look forward to the day when you finally say "Friends, it is here! The fully completed version!"
    Anyway thanks for everything you've been doing.
    Peace out.

  52. Oi! The standalone exe file makes my security software itchy, what's up with that? Someone should fix that or get a proper certificate for it!

  53. when i download it, it says there is no default application specified to open it, i use a mac if that helps at all

  54. The most awesome 1.04MB in the history of computing!

  55. you need to make a vomit option for this.

  56. Going to second that vomit option.

    Nothing too outrageous, just a little vomit if you get too rough with her. Cheers for the great work, konashion.

  57. I don't have a Mac, so I can't make a stand alone for you, but if you go download the stand alone player for Mac and the .swf version, you should be dandy.

  58. To the person who said "I have one suggestion/request:
    ..., 90,120,128,1& etc."

    Please note that most browsers have a limit of about 2k characters for any URL, and some forums often set a limit of how much text can be written in a single reply, so if you've got a really long URL then you may end up resorting to tinyurl or something just to get it posted. Not saying we're there yet but as more and more features are added, we may start approaching whatever limits may exist. If a command line/URL-get option is ever added, I'd rather it define a configuration file, ie Tougher to do it that way but far more flexible.

  59. any updates on new characters?

  60. if you want new chars go to the forum

  61. I would like for Kona to do a Lo-Fi version of this game that works in smartphones with flash support.
    Mine plays some flash games, but SDT is just impossible to even open.
    So, why not to remove most cpu using features (dunno if it was someting like "collision detection" and "vector movement" for the cum strands?) and release a simple but funcional 'phone version'?
    I would like to see it sometime.
    Btw, great work

  62. Hello Konasjion, I've found a bug with the Elbow/Wrist Glove ;) (The image is here ;) )

  63. Ther are also a problem with the hait, I cant't remove some accesories on offcial hair :/

  64. Does anybody know whats going on with the mods forum?

  65. Same as the above comment, all I get is a 404 for all of the site, including the SDT mod forum. I also get "Welcome to nginx!" text on the main ryonani page.

  66. The migration to the new server software is done, but now we need to update the forum software before the site can be restored, again, hopefully by tomorrow.

  67. Can we has mode where he grabs her by the hair with both hands and pulls her onto his dick (instead of holding the back of her head)?

  68. please add more characters with moving hair! And also a strapless bra and one-piece swimsuit!

  69. Could someone please tell me how to make the game work? Or what I should run it with? I don't care that I sound like a retard, couldn't find any other way of saying that. Please help

  70. Holy sh*t nvm, I figured it out

  71. Can't open the file...
    Doesnt work :(

    Wondering, the old revisions work all...

  72. omg.. tongue rings? thank you!!! Looking forward to the movement outside option!!!

    Hopefully in the future she will get teeth and braces too. And a slider to make him bigger.

  73. Very Very good game, compliments!
    But i have some ideas for the next update:
    - possibility to masturbate her with a dildo (maybe also anal) and herself and squirting
    - more clothing or accessories, for example chains, ropes, shoes, fishnet stockings, ecc...and tattoos, writings...and more costumes like nurse, teacher, nun..
    - more characters as default
    i hope i give u some ideas for the next update! XD

  74. aaaaaand a thing that i forget:
    - in the voice "arms" i think it will be great "grab boobs" ;D

  75. I'd love to see a freckle option. :P

  76. Kon: Did you ever play with darker eye shadow? I remember you taking suggestions about this before. Any way you can make this happen?:

  77. Hey Kona, I love your work. I have to ask this: Is the hover-hand mode intentional or an accident, though? Let me explain.

    Set the Initial Resistance to reset on new char and then take any girl and make her pass out. Then use x or c key to switch the girl while she is deepthroating the whole cock and the new one pushes off, but remains unconscious. Also, your hand doesn't quite touch her anymore if you keep moving her head. This lasts as long as she remains unconscious.

  78. ... Sorry to say that, but, the default dialogue don't work. How to see the dialogue ? I've activate it in the option but nothing appeared. Thanks

  79. Sorry to ask what seems an obvious question here chaps, since I know the Mod Forums are meant to be for this sort of thing, but is there any place I can find a repository of the SWF mods? The ones that create completely different characters, like the Teen Titans or the Opala characters? They don't seem to be on the mod forums.

  80. For some reason, she won't pass out for me. any suggestions? Only bug i've seen so far tho.

  81. The pinnacle of interactive flash. Minor suggestion - waist items [belt/miniskirt/skirt/]

  82. Something, which I think would be really awesome, would be for her pussy to be wet and to drip. There has to be some sign that she's feeling good, too. Right :D ?

  83. +1 for SHORT SKIRTS!!!!!

  84. I'll understand if I get razzed for mentioning something already stated, but I for one would really dig on having her hands on either her a$$ or her breasts. Possibly a forerunner to nipple tweaking or the like? Just a suggestion to an already fantastic game!

  85. I would like to echo that the export dialog option seems to be vanished.

  86. Really, really, really, really want a chance to cum on dat ass please! :D



    Seconded. With Mari or Asuka this would be amazing.

  89. >Sorry to ask what seems an obvious question here chaps, since I know the Mod Forums are meant to be for this sort of thing, but is there any place I can find a repository of the SWF mods? The ones that create completely different characters, like the Teen Titans or the Opala characters? They don't seem to be on the mod forums.

    The Archive has all of the swf mods out there.

    Also, the forum is back up.

  90. I haven't found a single mod for this game yet, so I wouldn't plan on finding a repository. And Kon, could you give an ETA on happy mode? That's the only real feature I'm looking forward to. Everything else is kinda superfluous to me. Thanks.

  91. Hairs components don't toggle.

  92. Just a few little somethings to consider with dialogue features.

    Having two seperate features for actual dialogue (one txt file for her, and one for him). It would solve the problem that comes from an interrupt when using the current dialogue.

    Another is a possible setting for Auto(Self) as I noticed she interrupts herself on that mode with the dialogue on. Granted it is pretty funny sometimes it would flow better if she didn't do that.

  93. Hey Kona, whenever I try and open the 1.8 swf file, I just get a flashing pink box that comes up. But I know its the game because I can see half the menu, just its pink and flashing random images so it makes it hard to basically do anything. Would you know why this is happening?

  94. Is there any chance to get more footwear? I'm thinking of boots. There are:
    * Ankle boots
    * Knee high boots
    * Overknees
    The three types you could combine with plateau boots, pony boots, balett boots, ...
    It don't have to be boots, but I think only 2 different footwear is boring. And I don't want to hear: "Who looks on footweat during a blowjob." :-D

  95. You have to press ctrl while clicking on hair components in the new version. Or was it shift? One of them. Kona changed it recently. Read the notes carefully.

  96. More mess!

    Vomit! Cum bubbles from her nose!

  97. slutty sweating cumwhore!

  98. how do iget it to work? it keeps telling me to install adobe flash player and i installed it and now it wants me to install it again. please help

  99. where do i download the whole game?

  100. What "whole" game, dude? This is it!

    Don't dare to tell you're disappointed now!

  101. I think I am still getting the same dialogue issues as 1.8, I only get any dialogue for throating and passing out and going again etc, no intro no general or anything like that. I think the intro might be because the game always starts with the girl halfway down the dick for me anyway, not sure what to do about it seems to be the default position

  102. What I would love to find is an interactive bondage game of this quality. The quality of this game is epic.

  103. Hmm... Excellent work, but I'm still unable to get general and intro texts to load in-game when I load dialogues. I can't tell why, since everything else seems to work fine.

  104. ...except the restarts. I'm not getting those either. And on second glance, some of the "first_dt"s and "first_throat"s are being replaced by "vigorous" or "held". Not sure what's causing that, since I'm neither pressing space nor moving the mouse much.

  105. More clothing options would be much nice.

    Great work, keep it up.

  106. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome!

    But! <<<<<<<

    Please make an hotkey for cleaning up all the semen pleaaaaaase!

  107. Hey Konashion amazing stuff but I can't seem to copy and paste any Character codes into the custom save data (slot?) or any left clicking activites (eg. copy, paste, delete, etc.)


  108. Still waiting on the mood option. Power is nice, but really now.

  109. an interactive bondage game of this quality.

    fuck yeah!

  110. Replace guy with sexy FUTA-GIRL!!!!

  111. Mode where you can grab her by the throat?

    Has anyone ever seen the Evangelion hentai short where Kaji hold's Asuka's nose and then rams his cock down her throat when she gasps for air? Ability to do that in this game would be freaking awesome.

  112. When i click download from mediafire & hit open It just opens up to another tab asking to download or save the file again.? Any idea what i'm doing wrong?

  113. My antivirus keeps blocking my access to that site. Is it dangerous?

  114. When I try to open the file the screen just stays black or flashes sometimes. Anyone know how to fix this? 1.4 opens perfectly.

  115. Would be great to include a her arms position which she grabbed his ass, so it would seem that herself pushing down her throat!!

  116. I have a suggestion to add some more jewelry to the clothing options such as necklaces, maybe a watch or ring bracelets. Nothing too complicated, just a few things to add to our characters.

  117. hey konashion, love your work
    still cant get dialogue to work, amongst the few different versions that had it, and among various browsers, computers and players, ive switched the option on , sometimes played, sometimes let it run... nothing. Anything I can do?

  118. You sure you actually HAVE a dialogue.txt in the same map as the SWF and is it designated in the modding tab?

  119. awesome game, keep up the good work! =)

  120. The following clothing items need to be added: Mini-Skirt, knee high boots, an tube top!

  121. To the guy who mentioned that Evangelion hentai, please post a link, it sounds interesting.

  122. Great update, we all appreciate your work.

    A few "generic" hairstyles. Not ones that are specific to a certain character, but just general basic hair. Also perhaps the basic hair could be changed color in a similar way that you can change her make-up colors.

  123. Damn, this is getting intense. My girl stayed unconscious for nearly 20 minutes this time. I was starting to think it had become Super Necrophiliathroat.

    I like the new option to add backgrounds too. This game just gets better and better.


  125. A midget mode, where you could have her stood up sucking his cock would be a very nice addition.

  126. I can't copy paste skin codes into the custom save data slot.

  127. Given the number of times I've 'enjoyed' your work, I feel like I owe you some money haha. Is there a paypal donations account?

  128. Yes you can copy paste.
    Ctrl+V obviously.

  129. The girl needs some elf ears. :/

  130. A feature to turn the GUY into a futa, or both.

  131. This is a bit of a nit-picky suggestion: is there a way you could make an option between translucent and opaque clothing? It's hard to make socks look like socks given the current settings; they end up looking like ankle/shin length pantyhose no matter what. And vice versa: translucent bras would be awesome.

    Otherwise, I love the game so far. Been following this blog since last February! <3

  132. Ahoy. Just my 5 cents once again.

    I like the generic hair types idea. It would make possible to, say, emulate many different characters (and, why not, people) that are still not included in the game.

    Also, I second those who suggest more realistic behaving cum. I'm not sure how difficult this would be to implement (and how cpu taxing, even though there can always be an on/off switch).

    I deeply appreciate your work. Keep it up!

  133. Thanks. Great work as always.

    On new bug with this version, clicking on Noel's hat no longer turns it off and on, or in some of the SWFs that I have done that were working in last update.

  134. Please make her puke, would be awesome…

  135. no it would not be awesome to make her puke but midget mode sounds good

  136. "On new bug with this version, clicking on Noel's hat no longer turns it off and on, or in some of the SWFs that I have done that were working in last update."

    or you could try reading Kona's notes right below the new update. You have to shift click to remove accessories now.

  137. great game, would be great if we could increase her lips, from very small over normal to real pumped lips
    and puke is a good option

  138. great stuff man, could you maybe put a hot key to change the placement of her arms?

  139. I have a few suggestions, that I think would make for interesting utilities for users to mess around with if you want to hear them.

    Endurance slider, determining how long it takes for him to cum. Perhaps only after a few seconds, up to taking a few minutes.

    Breath slider, determining how long she can hold her breath, perhaps even giving the option for her to never have to breathe.

    Breast physics slider, to determine how quickly the breast movement animates.

    Shortcut to toggle arm position.

    Yup, I know you already have a million billion suggestions on your plate already, but I'll just leave this here anyways. :P

  140. Will you add the possibility to add a dick?????

  141. Probably a stupid question but I cant get the dynamic swf files of characters to work.
    All i get is the white screen.
    Any help? thanks

  142. I just noticed there's a "cum-in-eyes" dialog type, but I can't figure out how to get the cum to her eyes. Any tips?

  143. I can't download the newest version at all, I get a 404 on the link. Any chance of a re-upload?

  144. Does it work for mac?

  145. yea how am i supposed to run this, it will not let me, if you could like put up a tutorial on how to download and run it then that would be good because of the confusin

  146. I thought that a little stomach swelling would be a pretty neat feature for whenever you do the next update

  147. Is there a good flashplayer application I should use for this? Cause I've tried a couple different apps and can't get it to work. At most I can get it to a messed up title screen and it loops that sound.

  148. Saving custom Characters doesnt work for me... Any Ideas?

  149. I'm kind of having trouble adding custom dialogue.
    I saved the default dialogue file so I could work out from that, but it's all blank, which seems a bit strange.
    Anyways, does anyone have a good example file of just how it's all supposed to look with the clearing of default stuff and custom additions? I've tried making a file from scratch, but It doesn't seem to work.
    Some sort of template file would have been great.
