


DL v1.13.1b: SuperDeepthroat1_13_1b.swf See Download page for latest DL link.

This is just a minor update to the last version, with some bug fixes and animation improvements. There are still more problems I want to track down, so it's not perfect, but I figured a small release would be more interesting than two weeks of bug reports.

This version also has:
 - Nose squashing animation. (I tried out squashing downwards, but it doesn't really look right at this angle. I'm still working on it though.)
 - Ball size slider.
 - Screenshot hotkey (/) with option for double size screenshots (as in the attached image).

I'm going to spend one more weekend fixing things (at the very least I want to fix the auto modes when using different penis sizes), then I'll get back to new features again.


  1. be able to use arrow keys to control movement(alternative to mouse control)

  2. 3rd Post! Love ya Kona! Thanks for the faptastic updates

  3. I have a request. Could you add an option that makes him constantly cum as long as you're holding down J?

  4. good work Kona!can you give her an animation to fondle/suck balls?

  5. Goma binna da costemz, Kim, jan.


    Giant black balls. I wont be satisfied until they rival the size of her head/boobs, though.

    Join the Ball Supremacy Front today

  7. >I have a request. Could you add an option that makes him constantly cum as long as you're holding down J?

    It already does that though. Do you have bukkake mode on?

  8. Awesome as always! Now that he's got balls, any chance she could suck on 'em?

  9. Found a potential bug...

    If you choose the dark skin for the male character, after you hold them down and they pull away, the hand tweaks out and it alternates between light and dark skin.

    Or... it might just be me.

  10. nice work kona.

    i just tested it out for a little, and the mouth definitely lines up much better with different cock sizes. it looks flawless.

    i do remember you saying something about fixing the throat resistance not being saved, but to me it still doesnt seem to save :(

    im not sure if you got through patching that up yet or not, but just thought i'd let you know.

    also, i love the balls sucking animation. its really noticeable now with the larger balls sizes, but i just wish we could see a little bit more of the action :3

    anyways, in the future i hope you add an animation to make her kiss the tip of his cock when shes close by. a nice little peck would be really cute and hot.

  11. >>>anyways, in the future i hope you add an animation to make her kiss the tip of his cock when shes close by. a nice little peck would be really cute and hot.


  12. When can we get futa :(
    I want the girl to have a cock

  13. love it... i think you're great kona... make it keep the better!

  14. Awesome Kona. Do you think you'll be able to work out the throat bulge size depending on the size of the penis?

  15. for some reason 2X screen shot not working. other then that great job.

  16. With the penis size slider, some parts are quite off right now:
    -SD-chan may be sitting too far away. Initially, this was okay since the guy's meat stick is very long. Now, there can be too much space between the glans and the lips.
    -The auto animations are off. Some animations have SD-chan suck on mostly air and less wiener.
    -I just noticed the default size is gigantic. The smallest size is already quite large.

    I've been following this for a while now and this is definitely awesome. When will you start making characters again? I see a poll to the right and so far, no Hatsune Miku. She has the highest number of votes.

    1. You're blind if you think Miku has more votes than Tifa, Zelda, Nami or Rikku.

      Great work Kona. Looking forward to every new release

    2. I don't get why people love zelda so much >_<

    3. I also don't get why those percentages add up to WAY, WAY, WAY, WAY, WWWAAAYYY more than 100%!
      I call voter fraud!

    4. oh I assumed that top one on the list has to have the highest votes >_<
      Scrolling down, I see Zelda at ~30%


  17. audio mods dont work anymore

    1. nvr mind
      dialouge was disabled

  18. Love the 2x screenshot function! Also happy that rubbing her face along the cock no longer wipes her squeaky-clean :)

  19. The whole assassination of megaupload really made me fear for SDT, completely forgot that you didn't even use megaupload lol. Hooray then!

  20. ..........................................

    The tongue sometimes stops "moving" I think that's a bug.


  21. Great work so far Kona. Thank you for responding to my request for the downward nose animation. I really hope you continue working on it, it is one of my favorite things about deepthroat porn when her nose gets pushed down.

  22. The nose squashing animation is not working. Is it an option?

  23. After trying out this version I either can't notice the nose squashing animation or cannot make it work. It seems exactly the same as the last version. Is there an option to make it work? or is it just hardly noticeable?


  24. The nose hardly squashes at all if you don't have his shirt on, so that might be it, but it is pretty subtle anyway. I'm going to try out having her move slightly further down and making it more obvious.

  25. You sure you don't want an ad-banner or something? I try to give you a "hit" per post even when I'm not downloading anything.

  26. Beastafidenature23 January 2012 at 09:33

    HELL YES!!!!!!

  27. I found a bug. She's incapible of fainting now. Oh and a minor suggestion I have would be that her mouth shouldn't fit around the guys dick, her mouth should be open wider thus leaving a little space from the bottom of the top lip and the top of the bottom lip. Perhaps have her throat bulge all the way down her neck and wider apart. Anyways thanks for all the free hard work you put into this, very much appreciated..

    1. I made my girl faint a few times.

    2. Really?..thats weird..because I held her down with the space bar for 5 minutes or so and got nada.

    3. If you've read this Kona this info might help you if and when you get around to looking into this. I realized I had the resistance set to the minimum for both resistance types. I also had her in angry mode but i think that the resistance might be the more relevant reason for this fainting problem I had. Thanks for the free hard work once again. I pray that you dont retire early haha

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. you haven't answered to this question yet but i must confess that i'm eager to know:
    will you extend the dialogue actions? in my opinion, no other element can give her more life, personality and all in all more diversity for the game.

  30. Kona, I seriously love all the work that you've put into this game.

    I can confirm that the animations glitches with the second thrusting mode have been fixed on my end - thanks!

    I do have a feature request that would probably be relatively easy to implement: seeing her get wet. It would be really awesome if we could see her bodily fluids (you know, the lubricant that women naturally secrete) dripping from her pussy. This could vary between occasional drops of fluid to seeing veritable strands flowing downward, perhaps forming a 'pool' between her legs.

    At any rate, thanks again for all of your hard work - keep it up! :D

    1. Seconded. That would be glorious.

    2. Would be glorious with a new hand position for her playing with herself.

    3. I think it'd be glorious both with and without the new hand position. With the hand would indicate that she's at least somewhat wiling to have her face fucked by the guy, while the handless dripping would simply mean that she's trying to resist giving him head, but is getting turned on nonetheless.

      Glorious indeed.

  31. Its good to ear that your almost done with the bug fixes!
    Keep up the good "blow" job xD

  32. Thanks for the quick reply Kona. Sounds like you know exactly what I'm thinking.

    By the way the "ball slider" works amazingly and makes a huge difference. Things are looking much more proportional now!

  33. Hey, thanks for releasing this on my birthday! I really appreciate it and I love your work! Keep it up!

  34. it is a bug with blinking of gradient on her face

    1. Not a bug. That's her cheek sucking in...

  35. wtb nipple piercings? o.o barbells maybe?

  36. I can't wait for the custom chins you mentioned before. I'd prefer this left one:;topic=1514.0;attach=18697;image

    It makes her younger.

  37. bugs:
    -she says the first_throat line really, really often. it'd be way better if first_throat would trigger only once, since it's not a "always_throat"
    -if you push her down instantly after she clenches her teeth, the dialogue box freezes.
    -there is a problem with "cum_in_throat" while his hand is set on "holding". when you push her down while cuming to get the cum_in_throat-line, she frees herself an says a pull_off-line. when you press space to keep her down, she says a held-line.
    -other problems appear when you press "j" to cum on her more than with the normal ejaculation. she often says a restart- or general-line instead of the appropriate cum-line
    --> solution: dialogue should be programmed, so that EVERY line is interrupted when cuming and replaced by the corresponding cum_line, then this long lasting problem would be solved once and for all.

    1. The dialogue freezing has been the bane of SDT for me. I love some custom scripts people have made and after wearing a girl down to an easy mess when the text freezes it ruins everything.

      Especially when the script would have mood and arm placement changes.

    2. I never noticed these "bugs" because I use a custom dialogue. My suggestion to you is to download a dialogue file and then customize it to you liking. I know however that this may be both time consuming and less desirable. After all, hearing your own lines can be a little weird. But you know what you want to hear when you want to hear it. Whether you believe it or not you will eventually get sick of the default dialogue script.

  38. Peach's earring becomes a cock piercing

    1. The same glitch happens with the samus hairstyle. If you use the penis outside feature her hairbraid overlaps his penis and it looks like its going through it. It was kinky for a while but now its starting to bother me because it takes away some realism.

  39. Great job it looks very nice! But I have a Problem, I can't move her! Can somebody help me please? I'm using Firefox on Osx 10.5 Thank you

  40. Please add Tifa :) that would be awesome, i love your game but she would make it even more amazing

  41. Nose squashing isn't noticeable at all. You should make her deepthroat deeper so her nose and face gets squashed. That's something that needs to be added in the future. :(

  42. Need to add a freckle option!

    1. Konaaaa prediction of how much you have will release the new avatar? I long to see Tsunade Hehehe!

    2. another cool thing would be to use both hands to pull her head

    3. Jeah i second that - some freckles option would be AWESOME - pleeeease!!!

    4. Agreed on the 2 hands. It's sort of silly at the moment when you zoom out.

  43. The Swedish Drummer25 January 2012 at 01:52


    As cock-achingly BEAUTIFUL as ever :)

    Now for more cocks and great stuff!

    I didn´t get the screenshot to work though,maybe it is just temporary...



  44. Can't wait for the new features

  45. This is awesome!

    But how are you gonna upload it now? FileSonic and MegaUpload is down :/

    1. The same way he always has? idiot.

  46. You should try a Handjob mode

  47. #2 for handjob!
    (and for precum)

  48. Between this, Zone-Archive and the Illusion series I have virtually all my H-Game needs met from here into perpetuity.

  49. Hey dude, I'm from Hungary, and it's a GREAT game!!! Nice job.
    Some wishes from me, you'll see are they easy to make or not:
    1) a corset for her, maybe with different designs, a garter
    2) a bit thicker lips
    3) a couple of new bra designs, with variable colours, maybe a new bra: a little triangle which hides only the nipples
    4) make the throat bulge more visible, make her throat a bit thicker when the cock goes down

    Thanks, mate. Looking forward to the new version.

    1. I agree with all of these idea's 100%. It is a bit hard to believe that a girl with such a small mouth with no lips and a small throat can gobble down a huge dick.

    2. My life for fishnet stockings

    3. I also agree with the corset and bra idea's.



    +1 FUTA

  51. I'm starting to worry what if this whole sopa thing shuts down MF. Hopefully kona has a few backup filehosts in mind in case MF goes private like FS did.

  52. It would be awesome if the guy could get on top of her head and give a vertical deepthroat cumshot. She could put her hands between his legs and grab his ass in desperation!

    THX for the game and for every improvement, Kona!

  53. Keep it up with the upgrades... I would love to see girl go bald for once, no hair on her head...

  54. I don't know why, but I can't get dialogue to show. I've downloaded a dialogue file, loaded it into the game and I have the dialogue option on, but it's just not working. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Is there a step-by-step guide somewhere how to use dialogues?

    1. Never mind, it started working right after I posted this message, no idea why since I didn't do anything. Oh well!

  55. The blog is back :)

  56. Will u ever have a wider range of height choices? And maybe a slight head size slider? When I say this I mean like making the girl a midget. The size slider kinda makes her shorter, but she's no midget!
    The head because if the head stays the same size it might look... weird.

  57. Some ideas: possibility of changing perspective, different girl positions while sucking (doggy style, for example),g- string thong, boots, tattoos, possibility of taking the penis, more mouth and throat deformation...great game!

  58. any chance of a weight adjustment? I'd love to be able to make them fat,or at least larger

  59. Hey, do you also get low FPS if using High Quality setting ? It lags either way I'm using Opera, or Flash player stan-alone version. If i set quality to low, when it's butter-smooth. CPU usage at ~60%
    ,3 cores. Or this is some GPU/AUDIO issue ?
    Thank you.

  60. Hey kona, I noticed a bug. If she bends over too far while wearing shorts, the mask cuts off part of it.

  61. Yo Kona it good to hear about this blog is back I was really worried but it seems everything is ok btw I love the new updated awesome work keep it up

    and now the issue in hand I noticed about the automatic mods like soft, normal, hard, and self I like them all but I really like to have total freedom from the keyboard

    cuz whenever I hit the Auto (the "A" Button) while she is sucking, his hand position always take over holding her! I try to find another ways to removed this issue but no lucky
    me personally I enjoy any girls sucking me off without me touching her hair or head

    the Auto Mod *self* is fine but I like to see All Auto Mods Soft Normal or Hard without his hand on her can you fix this please I never asked for anything this is my first request

    thank you for reading this and have a good week peace out
    Sign DeathValleyMan

  62. How do you type all this without giggling?

  63. vote for cum puking please ;)

  64. Any chance we could see her cheeks bulge as her mouth gets filled with cum?

  65. I dont mean significant expansion, just a little bit, goes away during a swallow.

  66. Flash not running the game ;( i have a bug ?

  67. Where does it save he screenshots?

  68. Would it be possible that it can save the screenshots automatically after saving the first using the same directory and just numbering the new ones? That'd be great.
    Might be also due to using the standalone runner exe but that one's asking me always with a dialog where I wanna save the screen and it also always uses the same name so I have to rename that everytime.

  69. vote for cum puking please ;)

  70. Could at FACEFUCK mode her head tilt back from this [url=;topic=27.0;attach=23254;image]standard postion[/url] to this [url=;topic=27.0;attach=23256;image[/url] while the guy moves?
