

Weekend update

I've been pushing to finish the features for the next release this weekend. Swallowing is essentially done, it just needs some tweaking and bug testing, and zooming is done apart from extending the rest of the backgrounds, which I'm working on now. Character saving needs the most work, mainly to get the interface working and a way to back up / load character lists. I was originally planning to release next weekend, but I'm going to try and get something out in the next couple of days even if it isn't as polished, as the last few updates have been a bit boring. If character storing looks like it will take too long, I'll release a version without it and finish it next weekend.


Character storing window

Here's what's done so far:
 - Finished vertical control. (This only controls a slight tilt at the moment, but I'm planning to do more with this in the future.)
 - Smoothed several of the dynamic animations to fit better with the new vertical control.
 - Updated Auto to use vertical control.
 - Finished swallowing animation.
 - Added swallowing sound effects.
 - Made her swallow automatically. (I think it makes sense for the controls to act like you're just moving his arm, and for her to do this sort of thing on her own. She swallows if you tilt her head up when her mouth is full.)
 - Added pale and tan skin versions of all of the new elements and animations.
 - Adjusted breast motion. (Hopefully a slight improvement, the original motion wasn't great, and it was more obviously bad in the zoomed out view.)
 - Added quiet breathing sound effects.
 - Added a simple window to name and, if needed, enter filepaths for custom characters.

Here's what's left to do:
 - Bug test swallowing.
 - Finish character storing UI.
 - Add character list saving and loading (No point saving a list of characters if you can't transfer it to the next version.)
 - Extend the rest of the backgrounds for the fully zoomed out view.


  1. YES AN UPDATE!!! THANK YOU GOD!!! Dude you are the best hentai game artist I know of.

  2. thanks for all the good work you done. and people lets give the guy time to do stuff. since going to be awhile since has to work out all the bugs and glitchs

  3. =0 very nice, i rly want to try it next week

  4. Kona, thank you for all your efforts so far. We're just so excited about a new release that some of us are acting retarded.

    Thank you, man.

  5. Man, you're a damn saint. Keep doing what you do, this is awesome.

  6. Well done good sir, this is surely going to be the best hentai game! I really appreciate all the effort you put into this,and i am sure many others do as well. Keep up the good work!!

  7. your a hero! :D my inspiration!

  8. You are our patron, what can we do to repay you?

  9. 1 question, when going to be the day of the realease of the game man? 2 weeks and nothing? come on realese it like you have it now, who cares if isn´t finished

  10. i think it would save you time if you let us bug test things

  11. We should pray to you!

  12. is there any conceivable way to drag and drop a hairstyle onto the game and just have it applied to the girls head?

  13. for full zoom out is it going to stop at the guy's neck like previous update pick or will it show his whole body including his head? i ask this because having a full view of the guy would be great if you added custom options for him in future releases XD

  14. Will the character storing be somehow compatible with ModGuy's char loader?
    Like, will it be able to load directories with Hair.jpg and Code.txt and stuff like that?

  15. It'd be nice if you could leave this character saving bullshit aside for today and give us a release without it to play with...We don't really need it anyways, it takes like 10 seconds for me to adjust the sliders and get the same exact person i had last time...I want some new features to play with, i don't want to wait ANOTHER week just so you can finish something I'm never even going to use...

  16. ... Come on guys! Be more grateful towards Kono! (especially Anonymous 20:18)
    He's working on this thing day and night(maybe?) for free and the only thing he gets in return is ''leave your bullshit update aside, I really need to fuck''

    gtfo if you can't wait.

  17. You are a very creative mind. I can't express how happy it makes me to see that our (the perverted) community is so innovative and original. Not only that, but when I first saw this game I though, "Hey, this is nice. It's too bad that the maker will get bored and give up on it in a week." But your care to your followers and benevolence toward them makes me think that you are a man among mice. Please continue to work hard and keep your fans updated on your work. We have your back through and through.

  18. What if other people want to use it? Let the guy finish it.

  19. @20 March 2011 20:34

    Agreed, considering the creator is doing it w/o pay and working on it on his own personal time, some of the comments, i.e.

    20 March 2001 19:46: 2 weeks and nothing?
    20 March 2011 20:18: ...leave this character saving bullshit aside...

    Likely 16 year old kids...

  20. @20 March 2011 20:34

    >_< My point. And Im pretty sure that tomorrow, some bitches will bitch about it again.

  21. Wow. You work so hard at this you'd think you were being paid. Just out of curiosity, when are you going to get around to adding the hair for the characters in the poll? Honestly, at this point you could probably just outsourc the drawing to some of the more talented fans and then choose the best version.

  22. @20 March 2011 20:42

    >Likely 16 year old kids...

    16 year olds act like that these days? I would've thought that was poor behavior for a 9 year old. Guess I'm a grandpa.

    @Konashion - It goes without saying, but there are legions of fans enjoying this game without ever commenting. It's a testament to your character that the juvenile remarks made towards you don't hinder your effort. This really is the best porn game that's ever been made.

  23. Great work, Love the fact that you keep us posted on progress even without any actual release, it shows you care.

  24. Best news I've heard all week.

  25. Very impressive work, Kona! Don't listen to what impatient people are saying -- i'd rather it take weeks and be polished than be haphazardly done due to being rushed. As this is your work; i'm sure you feel the same way! (I have a friend who's a programmer -- I know that doing things of this magnitude take an EXTRAORDINARY amount of effort -- hats off to you for keep on keeping on!)

    With that being said...this is just something to throw out their at your own behest; but do you plan to go further than just blowjobs? I.e. a feature to do things such as missionary, and the like. I think it would be very interesting. :) But you're the creator -- it's all down to you!.

  26. why haven't you opened a donation account so i can donate the money I've saved on porn?

    I admire you for making this game for free. I believe thats how it should stay, however I also believe every individual should be rewarded for their work.

    I love you bro, I've been stalking this site for a couple months now. keep up the good work.

  27. i really dont know if youre makin this for fun, but... let us test the game!!! bugs, ideas etc, its better for you!!! dont waste your time testing the game if we can do it incluiding better than you can, use it for more intuitive things like X ray or something the interface of the game its very long, 2 images per wekeend update? c mon my friend at least 1 image per feature more graphics please!

  28. Some of you blow ass.20 March 2011 at 23:19

    lol. I think it's hilarious how a couple douche bags talk shit, get called on it, and then the smack talk just stops right there. But I'm also happy that's the case, because those kinds of attitudes are what make people ultimately decide it isn't worth it and give up. Dumb shits.

    I'll admit, I don't plan to ever use the character saving function either. But I'm not gonna give the creator any grief about it; I'm sure everybody has heard not to look a gift horse in the mouth. It would be one thing if Kona were charging for this product and demanded we pay for something we don't want, but he isn't; he's giving it all to us for absolutely free. So wipe your ass, sit down, and STFU. Let Kona make this game how he wants to make it and enjoy the free porn, ass wipes.

  29. I'm very excited about this new release. Your work's gift is a dream come true.

  30. Let me know if this is correct, with respect to vertical control:
    -At any point during the deepthroating, mouse up will tilt her head up slightly, so that's some more variation
    -Tilting her head up after cumming in her mouth will cause her to swallow regardless of her mouth's distance from the base of the dick i.e. she can swallow while deepthroating 100% of the dick

  31. Can't wait.

    I wonder how many Flash programmers out there is willing to help out Kona with this awesome project. Not that he needed help. I just think that if Kona assigns tedious work to another person it would speed up production. This would give Kona more time to do the cool shit.

    Loading/Saving features for example, a beginner can probably implement that for Kona. And maybe someone else can do basic online features for users, marketplace (upload/download mods/hairs) and online saves.

    I would love to help but I'm too busy. I'm just wondering how many Flash programmers are here.

  32. The Swedish Drummer21 March 2011 at 02:49

    "2 weeks and nothing? come on realese it like you have it now, who cares if isn´t finished"

    Hold your horses there, my friend, and pay heed to the initial message from the one, the only KONASHION; didn't you get that he is planning to release a new beta in a couple days? EVEN if the character storage does not work as intended?

    This is some exciting shit and I, like many others, have been pretty much glued to this blog ever since discovering the game!

    Keep it up, we´re behind you all the way :)


  33. nice swallow action! you are the great konashion <:3

  34. What about the "no collar" option? Will this be in a the release or is this not planned for the moment? I believe you said something about redrawing the neck for this.

  35. Thanks, the positive comments are encouraging.

    Getting other people to help with coding: There isn't really much tedious stuff to do. For example, the actual loading/saving code only took ten minutes, it's setting up a nice user interface and error handling (like asking for an updated path if the file gets moved) that takes time. That and working around some weird Flash rendering bugs to get the character screenshot to work properly.

    She only swallows when she's pulled off at the moment, but it's only the first release.

    "No collar" option is in this release.

  36. Thank you... just.. thank you... ;)

  37. As skeevy as we all are, you're doing a fantastic job here Kona, I personally can't wait for the new release. Make sure you take as much time as you need to. As they say, Good things come to those who wait. I just have two question right now:

    Will the cum dribbling out of her mouth still be in the game?
    And can we expect the beta monday or tuesdayish?

  38. BUENO

    You are a genius. Why won't you shut up and take my money already? If you made a version with nondescript non-copyrighted females, you could sell this shit like hotcakes for 5-10$.

  39. I'm thinking about some details like making him naked or dressed and show his balls out. make some cum drops if she got too much in her mouth.

  40. Still waiting on that .swf importing ;D

    Love it, man. So fucking great <3

  41. Thanks again for the updates. Can't wait for the next release.
    Well, I can. But you know what I mean.

  42. Connect his clothes to her head to make themed sets.
    (i.e. him wearing overalls with princess peach)

  43. Hey konashion. Going to ask this straight off in case you TLDR the rest. Do you have any suggestions on how to get accurate skin color data into SDT? I ask this because although SDT seems to use the HSL color model, I haven't been able to figure out a way to accurately convert HSL colors into SDT skin colors. I posted about it a bunch in the thread that my name links to. I suspect it might just be an impossible task right now. If there's no easy answer to this question, I wouldn't want you to put any substantial effort into it, but if there's a quick tip you could give me it would be great.

    Also, I feel like you really should consider taking donations. I know I would donate in a heartbeat, and at least a few other people have said they would too. I definitely respect you for directing people to donate to disaster relief, but I'd also like to see you get some sort of reward for SDT.

  44. There's no exact conversion from RGB to HSL, and it's shifting relative to the original skin shade rather than an absolute value anyway, so I'm afraid it just has to be trial and error.

  45. The development speed of this project has been INSANE. Patently INSANE. The original release was amazing enough in its thoroughness and exacting attention to detail, but the breakneck speed with which additional beta releases have been rolled out is nothing short of amazing. For the work of one guy coding in his spare time, you've covered a truly impressive amount of ground.

    So please, ignore the retards currently gibbering in the comments. A combination of addiction to your fantastic work and internet-atrophied social skills leaves them unable to express their appreciation.

  46. Hello how can I donate your work? I love this Flashgame and I will donate you a little bit ^^ Where I can do this?

  47. Thank you so much for everything you've done so far your game is orgasmicly brilliant:)

  48. konashion --> New god of flash porn !
    Keep going !

  49. Konashion, I wonder if you do more options in auto mode. You know, I mean how cockguy is moving her head. Something like "brutal", "speed", "easy", "hard", "careful". Think about it, it can be a pretty good idea.
    Anyway, work on your awesome-brilliant-kick-ass game. Work in peace, master.

  50. Oh, yes, let us help you bug-test it!! It is the least we can do...

  51. Kona, I want to have your babies.

  52. Yea post a version without the saving assuming everything else works.

  53. I hate to be that guy but I was hoping she could swallow even with the cock in her mouth. D:

  54. Well, I think beta-testing is not something that can be completely outsourced to the entire community, since it creates a lot of overhead, just to sort out double posted bugs, and to distinguish between known and new bugs.

    But I totaly agree that the community should be leveraged somehow: So I wonder, if you are planning to make it open-source? You could publish your core-delopement-line (i.e. updates), and everybody who wants to could post his mod and is self-responsible for keeping it compatible with your newest version. And, if something extraordinary would occur you most likely could integrate it in the core line (and maybe gaining a good flash-developer as support in the process).

    Of course, going open source is completely your decision, and I am not even sure if this kind of distributed development would be possible for stuff written in flash (I have no experience in flash programming, I guess it is more of an art than actual programming).

    Having that said, you do an incredible job on your on so far, and I hope this becomes something BIG. Keep it up and thx !

  55. Actually, I just had an idea to adjust the animation that worked pretty well, so I've added swallowing anywhere. She'll do it automatically after a couple of seconds if you hold the mouse up when there's cum in her mouth.

  56. Hey. Take your time.

    I'd rather receive a working software than something with bugs in it.


  57. excellent work Kona!!!
    Still happy in the pants!
    (happy mode would make me happier ~whenever you get around to it :) )
    Feel the love bro!

  58. >swallowing anywhere
    OH MY STARS you already figured out a solution? As I watch this game's development it's like I'm watching historic changes in the making.

  59. i am like most of us we would rather see working right and with out any bugs. since we do not want something that will cause computer to have glitch

  60. @20 March 2011 20:59
    Dude, you're offending me, being 16 years old, by suggesting 16 year olds act that way. I get what you're saying, but still, not cool.

    Konashion, you are amazing. Who could have imagined you'd put so much effort and time into this. I couldn't have done it even IF i had the skills.

  61. @Hectotane and @15:00: THis is kind of counter intuitive to the notion of ->BETA<- releases, isn't it?

    Don't get me wrong, I am not impatient and I totally agree with any release decision konashion makes (even though I'd rather have it sooner than later, of course).
    I just want to say: A beta can have bugs, thats why it's called beta, if you worried about it, don't load it. (I highly doubt flash can cause your machine to glitch... a memory leak at runtime at the most, I guess; but as i said: I have no experience with flash)

  62. @Konashion.

    Did you happen to consider my idea of adding a "sperm counter" for the total mount of... ahem... fluid, she swallowed?

    I've talked about it in a comment in the previous blog entry in case you want to check it out.

    Anyway, amazing work so far. All I can say is thank you and don't worry about rushing everything just because some people are a bit impatient.

    We're all a bit excited to get our hands(or maybe just one of them, cause the other is going to be busy lol) in this new release, but please take your time with it. :D

  63. I do like stats, though I want to keep the game screen clear of displays and bars. I might add a stats page for fun one day, but I'll be working on actual features for a while yet.

  64. Dude... this is gonna be amazing.

  65. You uploading a Beta tomorrow?
    Can't wait to test it out, but feel free to take your time. As has been said, I'd much rather have a working piece of software than a piece of junk (not that you'd ever upload one)

  66. @Konashion.

    A status page sounds awesome. I know you didn't promise anything, but just knowing you considered it makes me happy.

    You sir are a God among men.

  67. wheres the link for download the correct program to run this, I download recently the file but it don't have the modding option. Where i can find the file with the modding option???

  68. Hey Kona--do you think you will ever expand on Super Deep Throat? I don't know if you've heard of games like sexy beach 3 or what not, but there are options to go from blowjob to sex. Since you're getting into full body positions, do you think you will ever do actual sexual positions someday?

    P.S. Keep up the great work; I love it!

  69. @ Konashion.

    ^The above, i'm sorry I forgot the header.

  70. lol @ 16 year old. Also lol @ the anon who came up with the male character's name, cockguy.

    Kona, your flash game is providing much fap material, and the comments are providing much lulz. Awecat approves.

  71. Bless your heart for creating this. You make my vag so happy.

  72. Simply amazing and breath taking. You have one more fan here.

  73. I don't donate to charity but when you said to donate to Red Cross instead of you, I did.

    Good effort mate.

  74. Hah. Cockguy...

  75. How do I utilize the v1.3b DL?

  76. FUCK YEAH!
