

Weekend update

 - Fixed a couple of bugs and most of the graphical glitches from 1.5b.
 - A few minor improvements (Made strands fall off glasses when they change, scaled the screen shake based on the zoom level, made strands that hit the floor spread out sideways a bit more).
 - Got a test of different arm positions working.
 - Worked on the swf mod format with a template fla, instructions and tutorials, and some basic checks which will warn you if it looks like something's wrong with your mod.

The plan with swf mods is that you'll be able to have multiple mods in a single swf file. So you make all of your mods, then register a list of them with some very simple ActionScript on the main timeline. Having ActionScript on the timeline isn't great practice, but I think this set up will give people a lot of control over their mods with an absolute minimum of coding. You can also include a character code that will load automatically.

Here's a very early look at different arm positions:
Having her arms resting on her legs is easy from here, but I think having them between her legs will need a separate graphic, so at first there'll probably just be those two positions.


  1. The new arm position looks good! Can't wait to see it in action.

  2. I cannot wait for the swf import functionality. It's gonna be awesome :)

  3. Keep up the great work!

  4. Amazing man
    hey guys I'm looking for a partner to finish a hentai with many girls from games
    contact me

  5. wish you could masturbate

  6. OMG konashion, you work so fast haha...

    Even this picture was soo damn hot. Imagine this position of arms in the game *-*

    S2 Konashion

  7. Awesome mate. Can't wait for the next update.

  8. Looks good! I hope you can include an option to remove the man's arm.

  9. lookin great.

    any way you could do a more extreme throat bulge? maybe a slider for how thick it gets in her throat or how far down it goes

  10. Looks good. By SWF import, does this mean "open source"?

  11. Looks good.cant wait...haha
    here s a silly question does the hidden mood buttons in the scene tab working???and how!!!

  12. Arms moving and bras are my top two requests for you good sir. Thank you for all the hard work

  13. Arms are looking great! Looking forward to swf imports as well :)

  14. Looks incredible! Please update this to Trapheaven!

  15. Looks plainly awesome brah. Keep up the great work. Can't wait for the next update. Oh I had an idea. Try adding a shortcut for easy access to the girl licking the genitalia. By pressing l, the tongue moves out of the mouth and licks the penis. Just an idea because the tongue seems strikingly inactive at times.

  16. Dude you are awesome. You should fully make your own version of this game:
    and add it into yours :)

  17. How well do the new arms fit in with the body slider?

  18. Still no facial expression ability :( I want to give her an angry look >:(

  19. Does .swf importing mean we get bouncy hair? :3

  20. Feature request: An option to change how sticky the cum is. If you have enough CPU power you could have it flow further over her breasts and body.

    It's cool if you get cum to shoot out of her nose and then catch it on the underside of her breasts by moving her forwards at the right time. I'd love for this to happen every time the cum gets on her breasts.

  21. I wish her waist was smaller in proportion to her body. She looks good, but she sure is well fed. I prefer a fit and slim figure.

    Will a waist size slider be possible soon?

    Great work as usual... thanks!

  22. >>Dude you are awesome. You should fully make your own version of this game:
    and add it into yours :)

  23. Throat bulge is about as large as it can go without breaking collars, but I think adding some shading animation will make it more visible.

    BlazBro - The first version of swf import will let you make hair exactly as it is in game. Making the dynamic hair is really tedious though, so I'm trying to simplify that as much as possible first.

    Mood buttons don't do anything yet, no. I just drew them as a test a while ago.

    Pickled Cow - The arm movement is automatic like her legs, so they scale and work fine with the body slider.

    I want to add cum strands sliding down slightly at some point, along with a few other improvements, but it's more trial and error getting that to look right, so I'll do it when I have more free time.

  24. Oh, I forget to ask if cuffs will still be on with alternate arm poses.

  25. Yup. They'll need a new version drawn, but I'm planning to include them.

  26. >"I prefer a fit and slim figure."

    IMO she's in the fit-and-slim sweet spot already; any thinner would start looking off, and I say that as a skinny fan myself. That said, it's true a waist adjuster would make various starving/healthy/prego fans happy.

  27. hey konashion -

    Any thoughts on having her hands twitch when she's struggling?
    A few people have mentioned it, but you haven't said what you think of the idea.

    everything's looking great, thanks!

  28. your awesome man. keep up the amazing work. Look forward to being able to make my own mods \o/

  29. Looks and sounds amazing Konashion :) Thank you for the update!

  30. New arm positions...



  31. Dude i can't wait for this release, looks so awesome!!!

  32. >Will a waist size slider be possible soon?
    an ass slider would be nice too. right now the ass is too small, so it looks kind of off compared to the relatively larger shoulders and ribcage.

  33. Looks great. Keep it up bro.

  34. Any possible way to make her finger herself? And yet again, looks awesome, keep up the good work!

  35. awesome cant wait and i hope you can do some more costume stuff very soon

  36. Hey, you have been doing allot of work on the girl so, could you do some work on the guy soon? Change the cock size and stuff (not in a gay way) I just think it would be cool to ram a bigger cock down her throat, or make her lick a tiny little dick, maybe when emotions are finished, make her laugh if the guy has a small dick ^_^ That would be cool, I know you need to finish the girl so at least
    put it on your "once everything else is finished" todo listlist

  37. Make her arms go limp when she goes unconscious.


  38. So when .swf importing rolls around we can make decent looking hair! Sweet.

    Would we be able to make animated backgrounds too? It would be cool to have some girls watching and blinking and stuff.

  39. damn looks awesome!

    btw hope you will add more shoes, like a pair of boots!

  40. I was thinking something like resistance in her arms, you know like push him, and when deepthroat is in action the girl hit him when she cant holding his penis in the throat. Could be fine what do you think Kona?

    Great work in all releases

  41. I wish all your drawings came in as cleanly as her legs. The arms look a little creepy but it shouldn't be much tweaking to fix.

    1)Be sure that they aren't too long.

    2)Beef up the bottom side of her whole arm until it matches the thickness of the current one.

    3)Remove the crease in her inside elbow completely. If it wasn't for this I would've probably thought the arms looked great on a first impression.

    3)Bring forward, lower, and round out her armpit until it looks like her deltoid wraps onto her shoulder.

    4)The breasts look like they are sitting in the dead center of her chest instead of one being on each side. I can't expect you to redraw much, but could you try seating them back further towards her body at the bottom, altering the chest as necessary, and replacing the side profile of the nipples with a more sensible perspective?

  42. looks great SO WHENS THE HANDJOB MOD coming? wait nvm il be ignored

  43. great stuff Konashion, I look forward to the next release!

  44. >Arms between legs
    This can be made simple if the closer leg is on a higher layer than the arms.

    In order to do this you'd have the two parts of the arm moving closer to each other then further again. Imagine a V-shape getting wide then narrow back and forth.

    ...just tossing it out here since people have mentioned them.

  45. Thank you for being awesome Konashion xD

  46. Can you please fix character update? That would make adjusting characters so much easier.

  47. Arm drawing: I've only just sketched her arms out, so they will get better, but it's a compromise to get something that looks okay in every different position without animating it all manually.

    Arm / Leg layering: It's difficult partly because the layering needs to go leg > cum layer > arm, otherwise you see strands on her breasts through her arm. I'm planning to try moving her hand under the leg just for that position.

    Fixing the character update is on the todo list. I need to improve the mod loading to handle lists of mods instead of just hair and background, and I'll sort this out at the same time.

    Animated backgrounds: Yup, anything you can make in a swf.

    Her hands twitching is a good idea, and if I can animate it well I'll add it in. I'll think about a hand job mode once I've actually completed her arms, but I'd like to work through more of the previously planned features first before adding new things in.

  48. Arm twitching and handjob sounds fantastic, as does many of your planned features. This is really an amazing flash game you've made Konashion, I'm so glad you created it for us and I'm even happier you're updating it with suggestions!

    Thanks for being awesome :)

  49. If I may add one constructive criticism, her hands are too big relative to her feet. Since this is a drawing, I think the hands should be a little more proportional or have her feet be slightly bigger, but I think this requires a lot of redraws with the body slider, shoes, etc.,

    Anyway, keep up the good work!

  50. @previous Anon: Good catch. I reckon it's the feet that are too small, since the hand looks the right size for facepalming.

    Ah, here's a helpful head/hand/foot size guide:

    Definitely the feet.

  51. twitch when she's struggling is a fantastic idea especially when she´s suffocating.. some of hardcore doesn´t make hurt to nobody :)

    Thanks for listen us

  52. Is it also possible to have her hands on her lap than? It can't be TOO hard of an ajustment...

  53. Things to Add :


    [x] W I D E - S C R E E N ( Stretch to Fit )


  54. Just wanted to say amazing job always look forward to any and all updates you release.

  55. When I put it in fullscreen it always be too mach laggy. There is something that i can do to get better ?

  56. WHOOPS, I mean have her hands resting on the floor, not her lap, BUT you'd probably have to shift the whole body abit though >_>

  57. I think if you're going to make her less passive, you should include mood editors, to make her happy, angry, submissive, etc. If she can move her arms or give a handjob, she should have some reaction. It'd be weird if she kept the same lusty, slightly dazed look that works for blowjobs.

  58. >"When I put it in fullscreen it always be too mach laggy. There is something that i can do to get better ?"
    Try reducing the quality to Medium in the game options. Also, zooming out seems to help (I guess since the moving parts take up less of the screen).

  59. You're going to need a replacement or second pair of feet to draw anything with heels that doesn't conceal her foot.

    Which set to use would be defined in the swf? I really wanted to make some glass slippers.

  60. man I hope there is cunnilingus lesbian (maybe called as 'super licker' :p )

  61. Never has the position of a fictional females arms aroused me in such amounts.

  62. Looks great! I hope you haven't given up on making him able to rub his cock on her face; I've been looking forward to that.

  63. Nice job!
    I was kinda hoping to have a slider where you control how fast those spit and cum fades out.

  64. Watching the new hand position I just started to imagine how cool it could be if she start stroking on his dick too.

  65. why nobody mentioned hi-top boots ?

    They must be in this game !

  66. Best game ever!!
    One suggestion:
    Could you make the options menu moveable or more see-thru so u can see the color of her socks and shoes while adjusting them.

  67. you need to make her puke on that cock when you force her too much, I would love to see that.

  68. I'm still hoping for an uncut choice, but I'm willing to wait a while for whatever you throw at us.

  69. give me to option to make her fat and i will love you

  70. Can you do so that she uses both her hands and her mouth at the same time? That'd be awsome!

  71. Loving your work!Could you make more feet positions (eg. squatting), Konashion? And if you could, make her nails (for hands, and if more feet positions are available) stand out a bit more?

  72. Konashion, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Excellent work and I'll be looking forward to future releases!

  73. Awesome arm position!
    more than a few would love to have an arm position between her legs and a little animation of her fingering herself.
    Good to see in the comments above you are already trying such stuff out

  74. The Swedish Drummer15 June 2011 at 09:15

    Yeah, looking good :)

    I wonder if there is a way to fix the game running in SWF OPENER again?
    previous versions are working great but the latest will only run in browser and it is noticeably heavier on the CPU...


  75. Flash was updated, you browser is likely up to date but not your opener.

  76. i would love to see you implement misty's clothing style somehow

    thanks for all the awesome work

  77. >>you need to make her puke on that cock when you force her too much, I would love to see that.

    Concur. I want to make Mari Makinami vomit on my dick. Then carry on fucking her mouth.

  78. If not puke, which is a little harsh and not sure if it's in kona's taste, but there should be an option to have her spit up/cough cum out when cumming in her mouth while shes held down. Possibly just reverse control from swallowing, high mouse = swallow, low = spit/cough.

  79. I know you've already mentioned you have more accessories planned. I think it would be cool, especially with the arm positions, to see different restraints (metal cuffs, rope, etc...). Also maybe ankle cuffs & rope too.
    Plus, any chance of butt plugs/vibes sticking out? I know we can't see them actually inserted but to know they're there would be smart.
    Keep up the great work :) best game ever.

  80. I think you can get rid of the "character request" poll now that the template has been released.

  81. yeah if shes held down it would be awesome to see the cock throbbing as it shoots cum and her trying to reject it so it drools out her mouth and down her chin

  82. how much coments this have O-0
    i find a "voice" or something like that


    i dunno why but its look she is doing something bad XD

    bye and sorry for my bad english

  83. The Swedish Drummer16 June 2011 at 08:41 more thing:

    The smaller breast sizes look ok but the flat chest/really small sizes still suffer from having a "cleavage". It would be WAY cool to have budding nipples instead and to be able to alter the color.


  84. BRILLIANT ! ! !

  85. Someone on /h/ mistook the new glasses icon for a bra.

  86. I did too. Lol.

    Have you thought of adding other clothing items, like skirts?

  87. she will look more pleased to please that way.

  88. This game is so fantastic. It's just gotten better and better. More realistic and more options. Others may disagree but I think the eventual next step to make this even better is moving on from oral sex to other kinds of intercourse.

  89. haha... the glasses icon... i tought it was bras too =)

  90. How came I play this game? DO I have to sign up for Media fire?

  91. no you don't have to.
    just click on the DL link on the top of the page.


  92. ...the glasses...
    maybe you should add bras in the future...
    maybe you should add an outline only glasses icon.. (transparent glass)
    btw absolutely amazing work!
    one of the few inet projects that draws my attention...

  93. is there a limit for hairs? Somehow i cant add more, or is this just a bug?

  94. Hi Konashion.

    I would love if you add a thighhigh made of the same material of the bike shorts.
    Like these:
    I think this kind of thighhigh is very sexy.

    Thanks, V.D.

  95. dude i found the bukkake mode beta. click on the bottom right corner of the options/help bar and the option pops out, you can aim in which direction he cums in and you use a click to ejaculate instead of j. check it out its loads of fun.

  96. Saw someone suggest this on another board.

    Needle track marks on her arms...

    How about that? Should be trivial to implement.

  97. Did someone already mention the ability to make her thinner? As in 'Hollywood waif' or 'supermodel' type thin? I'd like to see that...

  98. could mute the "sucking" sound and add more saliva flowing out her mouth when she is wearing a gag. can add a lip size slider option/ platform heels/ fishnet stocking ?

  99. how about a bOOty size slider?

  100. any chance for making a option or mod for making it a guy?

  101. Awesome game by far.

    For a future update, maybe a upper-body and lower-body slider could be added without interfering with any previous work you've put into the game so she can appear more ethnic with thicker booty, hips and thighs. THANK YOU FOR THIS GAME! keep up the nice work please!

  102. A Futa mode with the guy replaced by a girl wearing a strap-on would be nice.
    A pregnant and pussy dripping option would be a nice Slut-like touch and would be cool and probably quick & easy to do!?! Can't wait for the newest update!

  103. yo Neil, this is gonna be awesome yo!

  104. There's is something i really would like to see in this game: The option of making the character chubby.
    I know there is the Size option, but the higher it goes is still slim.

  105. As a BDSM fan, I prefer the cuffs, but new arm positions could be interesting. As long as a full reverse-prayer is an option. :D

    IMO, that would be pretty much the best thing ever.

  106. Konashion, Great Work Bro!

    I see you're gonna add a new arm placement position for the girl - Awesome sauce!

    Any chance of making a rectangular Glory Hole box along with her new position so that it's around/infront of the guy with the option of a Glory Hole Booth Import Texture Mod feature while making it so she doesn't look up at the man's face but rolls her eyes as she gags on the anonymous dick instead?

  107. Very nice work again!

    Please, please let her hands grasp the base of his shaft, the shaft itself. That is the hottest.

  108. definitely x-ray mode. I mean it's called SUPER DEEP THROAT so there should definitely be an option to see how deep it goes.

  109. piss... i want to pee on her

  110. Two more hand positions for the guy to make the face fucking look more authentic:
    #1. right hand on the top of her head and the left under her chin holding her face.
    #2. right hand where it currently is and the left hand opposite the right hand (with transparency).

  111. I love it how everybody's like: "put this in, cause that's what I like."

    Okay, but then they're all like, "This will be fast and easy to implement."

    HA HA HA HA HA HA! Oh, you!

  112. Since you are still testing new features.
    Is it possible, to give her new leg positions?

    1. Have her squatting.
    2. Have her on one knee.
    3. Have her legs spread, while squatting.
    (These, if possible, can be used if you put a hand position where she's "touching herself"?)

    And, if it can be done...
    1. Have her on "all fours".
    2. Have her sitting, while leaning forward.
    (Perhaps you can add a stool, or cushion, or even a small chair?)

    These are just a few suggestions of mine.

  113. What about making the guy sitting on a bed or something like, and she sucking him ? :)

    Nice Game btw =D

  114. I also like everybody's "Put this in.."
    -Hey.. so.. I think it would be cool if she turned into a cabbage when you came, and then she would morph into a hat rack.. if you could just do that it would be good. should be pretty simple..

  115. What About Changing the NIPPLES color?

  116. Why you don't put the posibility to give her a personality

  117. this is the best game ive ever seen in the whole internet world guys i mean iys AWESOME id really really love it to see the next version of this SDT
    my suggests would be these.
    the arm featuring is really amazing i was thinking about it already and when i saw it few minutes ago i said damn if were like KONASHION read my mind.
    the masturbating part would be nice,the personality too to spit in the penis another point to check it out but as i know to make a mod is not that easy the only i can say is this keep us with the mystery to figure out how would be the next version of SDT and damn KONASHION you have made an excellent work with this game for real.
    so please keep working on it and keep releasin all these amazing version and i know this is gonna get better more hairs more features and more all.
    well take care and think about the arms in the girl if you can put the option to lay the arm in her legs or in his legs would be nice to get them both.

  118. oh and i almost forget when u have the time that takes please do think about put more sounds in the girl KONASHION it would be great to hear her with new sounds.

  119. Wow, this game is amazing! Thank you for all of your very hard work.

    If you could make her masturbate or use a vibe/dildo I would be ecstatic.

    Looking forward to the next release.

  120. You should make her arms fall when she runs out of breath.

  121. somebody knows when is gonna be released this new version i just cant wait to see it??

  122. aah, when it will be done?

  123. weeee :), just the other day i was thinking it could use some arm improvements, so it would more interesting. I think it would even be great if you did different positions too,say if they were to lay on each other. Or if you did one towards the camera, instead of viewing her from the side, although it would need to be changed alot.

  124. i think the new version of this amazing game is gonna be ready to download it before the month ends well that is what i think.
    i cant wait to see that new position and the new features will have this blowjob simulator.
    well i want you to work in more sounds when u have the necessary time cause i know is not that easy to make even a little feature in the game soo think about more features and keep going like that this is the best game in the web the best.

  125. You shude give her a cock down under while she throats the first one ;)

  126. For once I can't really think of anything to suggest - that last update kinda blew me away.
    I'm still very interested in everything in the Future Features - possible features list (especially whore mode and dialogue), but for once I'm even more curious to see just what Konashion comes up with.

  127. ...No weekend update?

    I shouldn't feel entitled to one or anything, but I'm still bummed.

  128. Hey kona, I just noticed that the bit of Misato's hair that rests on her shoulder will actually go into her arm if she moves too fast.

  129. Hello, i love this game. I have a question. How I can do this?

    the x-ray effect is great but i dont know how to do it

  130. I think it's no coincidence that there's no update this weekend. Ryan Dunn of Jackass fame died on Sunday, so clearly, Dunn actually WAS Konashion. RIP man.

  131. @The people asking him to incorporate the other flash game: That would be starting over completely from scratch. Even just taking the current model and rotating her 90 degrees to lie on her back would be extremely difficult.

  132. Hey Konashion, got a weird question for you. Any chance you will work on a feature where her stomach will inflate or bulge if she swallows too much cum? Cause that would be pretty interesting.

