

Weekend update

Just a quick update again, as I mentioned last week.

I finished setting up all of the layering and controls for bras this weekend, so now I just need to work on improving the actual drawings. I also fixed a couple of bugs (mainly her hands disappearing) and got a working test of dialogue done with automatic interruptions:
The dialogue ideas are all helpful, and I think it will get a lot more interesting once happy mode is done as well, because as it is there aren't really a lot of things for her to say. I am still reading all of the comments too, I just don't have much time to reply. I'll try to update the Future Features page soon, and I'll have a look at including Tio guy's throat looseness suggestion (it should be simple to implement, I just want to see if there's a way to make what it does clearer, or if it could be combined with another option).


  1. Kaboom ! first ?

  2. "Wait, let me catch my Br-mph"

  3. Good Work ! keep it up !

    by the way, i think handjob by the girl could be a great idea for futur feature !

  4. The bra looks F***ing awesome! Way better that I ever imagined. Great work.

  5. "Wait, let me catch my Br-mph"

    ---> Breath...

  6. :D cant wait!

  7. you might want to consider setting up some ads or some kind of paypal for donations, for your time!

    Also, another vote for throwing up please :)

  8. hey kona, the game won't work on my system, it flashes a bit and I can see some stuff off to the side, it's annoying and i want my fap back! it all started when you released .swf importing


  10. let me catch my br-iefcase

  11. Can't wait for the next version! Looks like great stuff.

  12. Are you planning to allow import of a dialog file, or just having canned dialog built into the game? If dialog is going to make its way into the game, I really want to see a way to import dialog for a character so that they 'sound' like themselves.

    Maybe loading a custom hair like 'hair01.png' would automatically load 'hair01.txt' which would contain the lines to use in various situations?

  13. Could you make dialog off for default? I mean, it's really kind of obtrusive, and no offense to your skills, but most porn dialog is pretty terrible. For example, the original game. And since people will bitch about anything (look at me, for instance), some dumb-ass would probably never play it.

  14. <3 Bras. Please include lots of types (strapless, pushup, etc) like you did with the panties addition.

    You rock sir.

  15. Please set it up for pussy and anal. And NIPPLE CLAMPS!

  16. for the future can u make costumes like catsuits or fishnet/mesh body stockings.Hand josb would be awsome; still hoping and waiting for a Penis slider and balls, bigger throat lump and visible cock movement against her cheecks would make it more realilistic

  17. This is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!


  19. I know this might sound weird (great job on the bras, btw <3) but why is it the character *never* gets full? That's probably not something a person wants to think about.

  20. Kona something's wrong with the last few versions.
    I haven't been able to save the settings that I put into the game. If I put it on mid quality, it reverts to high when the I start the game later.
    It doesn't remember the character lists I have either.

  21. To all the Anon's suggesting new modes like titfuck, anal, etc as well as vomiting. Please look at the updates page, Konashion has already clearly stated that completely new modes will be unlikely because of how much extra work would be required. It is much more time efficient to keep making adjustments to what is already here, rather than make a brand new scene when the one thats already here still has more things waiting to be added.

    @ 18 July 2011 23:23 You need to allow flash to access to store information on your computer through the settings (right click the game). Do note that some browsers and programs for whatever reason don't allow you to manage the settings, so you may need to try different applications (google chrome works for me)

    1. Don't care, This game took the net by storm, We need an anal version and pussy version, even if they have to be COMPLETELY separate games. >:(

      So which is harder, Making adjustments here, or brand new games.

      This is like, one of the highest quality games on the net, if he went into making anal and pussy and titfuck, it'd grab all audiences, maybe some donations, and possibly the chance to just outright sell the thing.

  22. Heh, everyone's anonymous...

  23. Bras... ok, whatever. Naked is best. But looks good.

    Great to see dialog! Please make it editable, loadable, and turn-offable for those times when it's not desired.

  24. Reminds me...
    an option to set how long she can hold her breath would be the icing on the cake

  25. Dialogue will be off by default, because to be honest it is all pretty awkward sounding. There will be an import for it.

    If you're having trouble with the game saving, make sure you've allowed Flash to store data in the global settings. Watch out if your browser automatically clears cookies too, because I think a recent Flash update made it so that Flash's cookies will also get deleted.

    I'm not sure what's causing the broken / flashing bug, but I'll look into it. Are you using the official players linked at the top of the page?

  26. -------------------------------------------------
    Tio Guy again.

    W00T! Glad to hear my idea is liked! Looking forward to the next update as always :D

    You're the man Kona, keep up the awesome work! I think everyone who's ever played SDT owes you a pint.

    He he, I got mentioned on the blog. +5 E-penis.

  27. Throat looseness? I'm confused; what's that supposed to do?

    Looking good though, mang.

  28. I have a small suggestion,I think the dialogue options would be well classified as: horny, happy, normal, passive, angry, and random sentences

  29. Will you be able to enter a name for the male character (allowing the girl to call him by his name)?
    That would be a cool way to personalize the dialogues.

  30. Thanks for you hard work, as you can see many of us appreciate it!
    I wondered if you could add some sort of "rapid fire" mode :P
    Ergo faster trusting. Don't know if you seen Hentai's such as Dark Love, Taimanin asagi, Princess 69? Really anything from Teruaki Murakami. The deepthroating in those are superb imo.
    Other suggestions would be
    - Ability to change of perspective, would love a classic POV perspective and others.
    - And a bit larger coocks, not necessarily longer, but be able to chose wider ones.

    Anyway, thanks for you hard work!

  31. I cannot believe I am only posting this now.
    Why aren't her feet tied together?

  32. The bra looks frickin' awesome! Please make a wide variety of them like the panties! As for the dialogue, if it can be edited and saved like the swf mods then I think it doesn't really matter how bad your default dialogue is.
    Although I've yet to see you add anything bad to this game.

  33. Ass types would be an interesting feature. Or a scroll to change the size of her ass like the breasts.

    I know this has been said a lot but I will say it again. You do great work. Thanks.

  34. Adding a name to the dialogue is a good idea. I'll see if I can add that and make the sentences still work with no name as the default.

  35. Would it be possible to place one of her hands between her legs to make it look like she's playing with herself?

  36. awesome! please make a Yoko person with her bra! Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

  37. Great work man! ;D

  38. i think it would be smart to hava every character have it's own dialogue file. So we could make even more authentic custom girls.

  39. If you do decide to add throat looseness, it would be nice if it could be made to stay tight (or be even tighter) too. I like playing right at the first bit of resistance as you enter her throat.

  40. Call me cynical, but if you take a look at how the game started and where it's headed, I wouldn't be surprised if v.3.0 included both of them characters casually dressed, sitting at a table, chatting and sipping coffee. And he will still be missing his left arm.

  41. A hand-job mode would make my life!!!

  42. Another vote for more restraint options here. Rope/tape and ankle cuffs/rope too please. Awesome work so far on this dude. Whatever gets added I can't wait to see it.

  43. i would like the option to replace the penis with a meatball sub or hoagie
    and force feed her
    until she gets fat
    and turns into gabe newell

  44. "Anonymous said...

    Call me cynical, but if you take a look at how the game started and where it's headed, I wouldn't be surprised if v.3.0 included both of them characters casually dressed, sitting at a table, chatting and sipping coffee. And he will still be missing his left arm."

    go back to bed crowchild

  45. Great work, loving the bras, I am really looking forward to new characters when you get the chance to make them. I love Princess Peach, but I think it is soon coming time for a change. XD

  46. Great work on the bra. Can't wait to see them all. I'll add another vote for nipple clamps / clothespins. Thanks for all your hard work.

  47. This needs a breast expansion mode! The more she sucks...

  48. A hand job mode should be easy to implement.

  49. Hope this hasnt been requested already, but i'd find it very useful if there were more keyboard shortcuts for the newer features like toggle shoes, legwear, underwear etc.

    or maybe even a dressing/undressing animation for each accessoire? ;) nah jk..

  50. FUTURE FEATURE would be nice to change de size or the proportions of the lips.

  51. If you add dialogue, you ABSOLUTELY need to sort her phrases into different "attitude" modes like Eager, Resentful, Rape Victim, and Shitty Porno Starlet. Also make sure there's an option to turn dialogue off entirely.

    On an unrelated note, I'd love to see the option to make her throat bulge out around his cock in a future update.

  52. when this game gets anal, moneyz will be made

  53. oh and also hotkeys for tongue toggle, toggle for the various auto-modes and for arm positions would be nice

  54. Man this is great, a suggestion tho, since you added the "swallow" feature, you should make her stomach get bigger and distended the more she swallows...

  55. Where do you go to download this version?

  56. Love the game. Keep up the good work man !!

  57. thanks for keeping this game away from those freaky /d/eviants. Barfing and distended stomach is quite a line to cross. next they'll want her to actually die instead of passing out.

  58. Keep up the great work!

  59. I'll be honest in saying that dialogue is the feature I'm looking forward to most. That might be odd considering all the things you're planning, but dialogue sets up the mood for me and I'll be really happy when it's in there. Wishing for a quick release~

  60. I really like tio guy's throat loosing suggestion. I think it would be nice if on the other side of the spectrum (the current setting of the game being somewhere in the middle) you could slide it to "tighter" so there would be more a motion/visual of it painfully/barely fitting all the way in. I also absolutely love the "throat bulge" option and it would be great to see it more visually striking.

    Thanks! Keep up the great work Kona.


  61. I hereby support tios idea. Advanced throat bulge options sound awesome too

  62. I' d like to make her cum.

  63. Just a question, how often do you put up a new version, I know you post updates every week, but when do you upload a new version with the updates for download?

    Anyways I love your work and hope to see more soon, Good luck!

  64. Ass slider and penis slider

  65. Great job again, the bra looks awesome!

    Could you please make bra and panties importable as swf files, I would love to draw some costumes myself.

  66. All I can really comment is great work and keep it up!! Though that's been said a million times.

    With that being said, I would pay $$ for you to make a SuperAnal game.

  67. Funnu bug. Let her swallow infinitely and she'll pass out.

  68. I think she really meant: "Wait, let me catch my br…owning magnum rifle to get you by the ass, you bastard!!" XD XD XD!

  69. I would really like to see an improvement to the throat bulge option. It's not all that bad right now, but it currently looks less like a refined option and more like a test.

    Also, I would love to see her belly expand as he pumps cum into it. Say, until she looks a couple months pregnant if he cums down her throat too much? It dosen't seem like it would be too much work to make this happen, but then again I am a noob as far as the technical stuff goes. If it is doable though then why not add it, like an optional mode the same as you did for the throat bulge?

    I am also eagerly awaiting larger penis sizes. More length would be interesting, but I think a greater width might be hotter, and possibly easier to implement? Anyway, I'd love to see a penis big enough to make her cheeks bulge and her jaw stretch open wider with each thrust, like how it looks when you have some of the gags on her, but her jaw would only stretch when you thrust into her mouth. Also appropriately different throat bulging to fit the larger penis sizes.

    I'd like to see some future improvement on the cum as well, like the way it looks, the color of it (imagine shooting green or blue semen on her face until she looks as if she has been spunked by an alien) and maybe the ability to absolutely coat her in it from head to toe, something like you might see in those Japanese lotion play videos? I mean, the bukkake mode already lets you cum pretty much forever, so why not give this a try?

    Well, just a couple ideas. A few of these I've already seen requested so I know you could make many people very happy if you were to add at least a couple of them to the game. I'm eagerly awating a new update, can't wait to try out the dialogue and bra option.

    On the subject of the dialogue, I saw the suggestion to allow players to write their own dialogue. I would like to wholly support that as a future feature. Keep up the great work!

  70. When "Happy mode" is included, I'd like to see the girl orgasm and/or finger herself.

    Fingering would be relatively easy. All that would require would be a new arm position (Masturbating) where her arm is passing between her legs and moving up and down (schlick schlick) and every once in a while (depending on mode and how you treat her) she orgasms.

    It might be weird to have her experience a universe-shattering orgasm because you just face-fucked her until she passed out (unless she's a masochist) because unlike what many guys think, not a ton of girls enjoy having their faces abused. So... Depending on the mood (Happy, Angry, Sad) I suppose she should orgasm more or less... Most often in Happy, least often in Sad or maybe Angry. And of course, the option to turn off female orgasm should be present.

    How are moods coming by the way? Because I LOVE "pissed off".

  71. (Continued Post)

    Another suggestion I have:

    Further improving or reworking the cum effects. The way it drips and such is very good, probably some of the best effects I've seen in an H-Game... My only problem with it is it seems a little weak, and you can only target a small area of her body. The only way to widen that area is move her around A LOT, which seems very weird. A method of ACTUAL Bukkake (Multiple guys from different angles) might be nice, as well as the option to "Aim" (I know you're working on that now...)
    I think reworking the cum a little to make it "stronger" would be a good idea too. You know what I mean. Right now, it looks more like slow-motion spaghetti-flinging. I think faster motion and a little more "splat" would just improve it immensely... Seeing her flinch on the first load would be cool, as well. Think more: "Squirt gun" rather than "spaghetti". Even making different cum-options would make it better. (Levels of force or size/density. Meaning: Squirt gun -> Garden hose -> Fire hose -> etc.)

  72. i bet you could get nyanners to record some voice work for free

  73. Can't wait for monster mode or futa mode for "him".

  74. "Think more: "Squirt gun" rather than "spaghetti". Even making different cum-options would make it better. (Levels of force or size/density. Meaning: Squirt gun -> Garden hose -> Fire hose -> etc.)"


  75. I'm not sure i anyone has mention this before, but I'll request this feature anyway. I think it would be nice to have a setting, perhaps under the "self" setting, wherein she moves her hands on her own.

  76. Am I the only one bothered by how the ears look? I love this game and this isn't the only little annoyance, I just wanted to voice this one since I feel in the minority here.

  77. I love you man. That's all i have to say.

  78. Feature request:
    Make her get wet. After some time or other trigger, you can see the saliva effect come from between her legs.

  79. Does the dialogue text box have to appear be overlayed on the beautiful animations? Can it be above her head instead?

  80. another vote for different ass types or just a ass-slider.

  81. On the subject of dialogue, these are my thoughts: The most important thing is to have customizable dialogue. Something like a comma-delimited text file that can be loaded with each character, containing the phrases we want her to use.

    Beyond that, it would be nice if you could set some phrases at the start of the file to be said at the start of the session before switching to randomly selecting between the rest of the phrases in the file. Also, it may be desirable to be able to set some phrases to follow others, either to deal with phrases that are too long or to create flow or pacing in the dialogue. That could also allow people to create brief conversations, as the could write phrases starting with names or pronouns like so:
    "Her:Words Words"

    There should probably also be a "frequency" setting, to control how often she speaks. You shouldn't have to stop doing her for too long to get her to speak or it will get boring.

    Also, maybe an option to have the text appear just as subtitles, rather than in a semi-opaque dialogue box that blocks more of the view.

  82. can you add rapid fire mode and the option to choose which audio file(s) get played so it's possible to have her sound like this during rapid fire mode: "gluck gluck gluck gluck gluck gluck gluck gluck gluck" know what I mean?

  83. While you're making bras, can you include tank-top, leotard or t-shirts options as well?

  84. if you add a right arm, you could throw in the option to have him hold a rope/chain under the collar option like you did in the option-tears>mascara

    OR have him holding a fist full of cash (just kidding).

  85. he holding money will be very cool

  86. currently has (1) general category (2) general interests (3) Lulz (4) Imports (5) Mods (6) technical help. Kona, is it viable to have a section purely for artists that want to help you with drawing things like shoe/ legwear/ hands/ feet/ arms/ eyes, etc.....things like this.

    If so, could you add something about this to the future updates section?

  87. (continued) or maybe just a section that is current on what you'd like to work on at the moment - let's say it's bra's; You could have a place in the forum where artists could download a template and then upload their work and you choose what would go into the game

  88. (continued) of course certain animated parts of the game would require multiple templates, breasts for instance. Nevertheless...this method of contributing artwork to you, the author of the game, may save you some work in the long run if a system of donating gif files BY YOUR REQUEST (since you're the one coding the game) is put into action using the website.

  89. (continued) i meant .png files. whoops.

    give it some thought, perhaps a trial run of the artist submission by request system would make more sense since there may not be very many artists out there. What do you think Konashion?!

  90. @above poster wouldn't that be pointless if he is going to work on imports for other content like he has for the collar,gags, and dynamic hair?

  91. I would still like to see the dynamic breast from want you said kona you had a prototype you could continue to work on that.So yeah please add the dynamic breast......PLEASE!!!!!

  92. Great work on the bra but one thing:
    the straps on the side(don't know what their called)should be a little slimmer, like skinner.

  93. I would like a way to change how long she can hold her breath. And while we're at it a way to not make her pass out at all.

  94. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you with a redrawing of the feet ^^; I've been really busy with personal stuff... I'll get a start on sketching them out tomorrow.

  95. The Swedish Drummer21 July 2011 at 02:41

    This is looking FANTASTIC so far... And I´ve been with you all year :)

    I don´t know if you´ve already started implementing this but it would be nice to be able to see "through" the menu tabs (or perhaps move the tabs altogether) in order to watch the different clothes/color-changes...

    Other than that: WOW!


  96. Thx for this amazing game! Its just the BEST sex game ever! The girl is just perfect!! If u dont mind, here are some sugestions: I agree with the guy above, about "stronger" cum, and more options for cum, like target aiming, cum slipping on her belly, legs, vomit or cough cum, handjobmode and titjobmode. But the most important problem to me is the site itself...It does not have an option to go straight to "run in browser latest version", and we need a more acessible way to understand the all the moddin stuff, since there are lots of lay people who have no idea what are u talkin about EVEN TRYING HARD TO FIND IT IN THE FORUM... THX man u really are awesome!!

  97. she might say:
    -Fuck my throat!
    -Please, I wanna go home!
    -Came on Daddy!
    -I wonna dry your cock up!
    -Please, Stop it, PLEASE!
    -Who the fuck are y-mpfh
    -I don't like suck co-mpfh!

  98. a huge selection of breast sizes.. i play with the largest ones all the time

  99. i meant breast types, not sizes necessarily

  100. bigger can definitely be better though.. i consider myself a definite boobman

  101. you could give the guy an option to drop a cum load that is much more messier.. similar to Fucked Up Facials and Cumshot Surprise.. it's the major cumblast >:D oh hell yea. i'd want her to be covered and look like a Jabba-the-Hut type of creature when i was done with her

  102. How about adding a breath-meter, so we can see how close she is to fainting? Like, toogle it on-off

  103. Wow, this Project grows up!
    Im flashed by the Options and Details. Great Work!


  104. Wow. This began as something very simple: The Final felatio game, if I am not mistaken, and it's become a massively modded game that has several of its own websites. ....
    Fucken' awesome.
    I have to say, Dialogue is very welcome, and maybe a feature where one could WRITE their own dialogue with it's own interface, allowing for things such as interruptions, etc., meaning the dialogue could fit any character you mod the game for. Just a thought.

  105. dialogue suggestion:
    Guy: SAY AH!
    Girl: Ahhhhhhhhh

  106. My request: more spit. Like when you give her a few seconds to breath, she should be spitting and drooling, it needs to be messier.

  107. can we get a few new audio files thrown into the mix????

  108. different looking boobs plz, me love boobies

  109. Got a big pack of characters over here:

  110. I'm still waiting for my goddamned metal spike dick and head impalement options. If I can't fuck her brains out the back of her head through a gaping hole in her skull it's just not happening.

    I don't see what the holdup is. Should be easy to implement.

  111. hhmm just have an idea what about making an doggie style pose where you can see her ass and pussy and switch beetwen ass fuck and pussy fuck and when you cum in her ass, you can choose to fart the cum out?? :D

  112. Perhaps you could add some teeth (optional)? Sharp teeth or vampire teeth etc.
    You could have them hide behind her lips for the most part, only being noticeable occasionally and/or very slightly (because there will probably be clipping problems otherwise).

  113. think about it guys an pose where you can fuck her ? and when shes cumming she could squirt or somthin like that cmon it would be awesome!

  114. what about latex clothing, like latex corsage,s
    and latex,tight highs,high heeled tight high boots of latex, latex pentyhouse,latex overall spandex catsuit, latex long gloves,latex garters, latex bras, shining latex in black white and every color,?

  115. Please read the Future Features page before suggesting things. New positions are unlikely.

  116. If you could import dialogs and record automode? Then we could make our little scenarios?
    I mean, i understand if the code aint built that way but just an idea.

  117. I have a suggestion.
    An option to move the guy to the left side and girl to the right. Or just some way to flip the screen.

  118. Its great that you listen to your fans and actually implement their ideas in the game. A lot of game developers don't do that, because they forget who they are making the game for.

    Anyway keep the good work and take your time.

  119. Please to make her able to vomit on his dick!

  120. Just a suggestion: Wouldn't it more sense to have the lipstick smearing option in the options tab rather than the custom tab?

  121. You are SUCH A GOD. YOU REALLY ARE. The art and even the coding are so well done! BRAVO.

  122. Moddable bras/panties, nuff said

  123. — It's not like I want to do that or anything...

  124. A fullscreen mode 16/9 would be awesome.

  125. This is kinda off topic but if anyone wants to know about the new sony vita coming out check here

  126. That's kinda spam.

  127. Another vote for throwing up. This would make SDT a part of my daily routine, and I'm imagining I'm not alone.

  128. can you make the character have shirts. Like sports jerseys, solan t-shirt and etc

  129. More aggressive actions

  130. suggestion: Could make the part of her knee touching the ground turn red over time and/or (something rare like) cum bubbles -- cum bubble out her nose when she coughs once 'n a while & a cum bubble once 'n a while out her mouth i guess when cum would spill out her mouth but her head is facing up, not down.

  131. realize that knowing about the "cum bubble" is like knowing about pussy farts but they do exist and happens on occasion . Could be a nice little touch to the game if a quick little semi-inflated bubble does appear right before it pops every now and then.

  132. Can we get the swf import loader to work with the ass and legs? I think it's Sympbol 200 or Symbol 205.

  133. Im new to this game how do I download mods to it if you could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.

  134. With all of these new features we need an option to increase the amount of cum and increase the speed/force of the cum. I think the girl needs a subtle row of teeth too and a braces option would be epic.

  135. if i could make a suggestion...

    would it be possible to allow the game to take a .txt file as input for the character text, to enable modability along the same lines as how hair currently works? you could separate it up something like [attitude_type::situation 1:text a: text b:text c::situation 2:text a: text b:::

    attitude type would correspond to the type of attitude being used (eg: normal, happy, brutal, etc; the different 'attitudes' of the girl, selectable through which auto-function is selected), and the situations would be triggers (for instance, recovering from unconsciousness, catching breath, swallowing cum, etc). separate the attitude type from the situation types with a pair of colons, separate different text instances with single ones, and separate attitude types with three (or just use different symbols entirely).

    so, as an example, something like happy::cumshot:yes! all over my face:cover me with your sperm:::angry::cumshot:not my face, you bastard!

    it would allow the community to develop the attitudes entirely on their own, letting you focus on engine work while the community creates the content. it would also enable the creation of character-specific text as well, things like tifa*cloud or asuka*shinji.

    alternately you could use a similar system to this to load personality 'profiles' via .txt files, using a series of 0/1 triggers to indicate things like what happens when auto-mode is enabled and save these like custom character templates.

  136. Very nice. :] Can't wait for the release <3

  137. The guy needs costumes also. Like a suit of armour, Davros, in a wheelchair, crucified, hook for a hand, etc.

    Definitely a vomit mode too. Seeing him vomit after coming too much would be topic.

    Not so sure about his current partial amputee/eunuch mode.

    Can we have a ball slider? Pea-size to a pair of coconuts, definitely. An option for "hang" useful too. Long balls is a must.

    Can't wait for happy mode? Can we have Zalgo mode too? He comes.

  138. Another option for dialogue would be a dialogue tree triggered by ejaculation. It would need to play out fully, rather than restart every ttime you start to come to be compatible with bukkake mode.

  139. wtf guys, nipple clamps?
    this is a deepthroat game, not a 'quench all of your weird fetishes hunger' game

  140. I think she should be able to cum, too. That'd be nice.


  141. I believe I'm the first person to post this.My question is why are her shoulders so high?It looks abnormal.When they look like that, it looks like she had a twitch and her arm and shoulder froze in place.

    Is it possible for you to make them look a little bit more normal?Could you lower it to make it be more realistic?Or if some people like it that way, would it at least be possible to add a slider for it?

    P.S.-Support all the ideas for ass and penis sliders.And also,AWESOME work on the game.Best game of its kind.

  142. Holy shit, guys.

    First of all, I want to say what a great job by Konashion. It's really amazing.

    Second, is there any chance that maybe he could add in a feature that's kind of a weird fetish of mine? That'd be really awesome.

    Finally, I'd like to say how you guys who are asking for that weird fetish (that's not my weird fetish) are freaks and that's nasty.

  143. People asking for stuff like Futa, Pregnancy/Inflation, Vomit... scary...

    But I gotta agree some "easy to implement" ideas are nice enough to be appreciated by anyone, such as a Handjob/Titfuck Mode that might be worth some effort.

    And yeah, for the people requesting Anal/Pussy Modes... the game is called Super DEEPTHROAT for a reason, right?

  144. The guy just below TIC-TAK made my day. Hilarious as hell.

    To the guy just above me: It's really all up to Konashion. If it turns out that enough people want something, and Konashion likes it, there is no reason not to include it as long as the code alloaws it. Odds are you don't have to use said feature.

    However, it would be nice if people checked the soon-to-be-updated Future Features section. Stuff like vomit, for example, just doesn't work with the current code and would probably crash your computer.

  145. Looking forward to an update on whats goin on in the SDT world.

    nothing has ever made me look forward to monday mornings as much as konashion's superdeepthroat update!

  146. Any news on having thinner chicks?

  147. I was looking forward to the weekend update, and more to a new release. I think Konashion could release the game "betas" and we would test it and report the bugs... The software development way is like that.

  148. are we gonna see angry mode, happy mode activated finally? thatll be sick

  149. Great job, konashion :) Dialogue seems to be awsome.

    Anyway, things that i like from others people comments :

    -new cum options
    -Personality modes (happy/anger)
    -other cocks
    -other body builds
    -female orgasm.

    This is The best sex game i ever played. :)

  150. To the person who mentioned me,

    You're right about my idea and the future features section.If Konashion liked the idea he could implement it if the code allowed it.But things like vomit are impossible.And people continuously post about crap that is mentioned in the future features page that was already IMPOSSIBLE to include or DENIED because it would start a completely new game.

    For those people who keep raving for fucking modes like tit,pussy and anal,

    Give it a rest.The game is called Super DeepThroat for a reason.You're controlling a guy who is making a girl suck his dick eventually to keep deepthroating it.The game isn't like Kasumi Rebirth (got this off the forum) where all that stuff is possible.So stop spamming the comments about it.

    To Konashion: I was playing the game and I accidentally minimized my window and I saw three icons under the options bar.All of them were mood icons.Do they work?If not,when will they be usable?

  151. Made a big mistake.Discard the first sentence of the first paragraph.

  152. different lookin boobies!!

  153. A Handjob/Titfuck Mode should be easy to implement.

  154. I love you Kona. In a totally hetero way.

  155. Only thing I really want now is an option for a nude futanari instead of the dude, the difference being that we'd see an additional female figure.

    The dude is pretty boring.

  156. I would like more facial features and personalities from the girl.

    For example a tsundere personality that initially refuses to swallow and holds all the cum in her mouth. Her cheeks just keep expanding until her mouth's full and is forced to swallow.

    I'd also love to see a suction effect on her cheeks as well. It's good right now, but it looks like it's just going in and out. Maybe add this to happy mode?

  157. This should be easy to implement.
    < /retard>

  158. Throw-up! please!

  159. Think this was mentioned in the other thread.

    Firm tits (old model) vs. saggy tits (new model)

    Someone like Mari Makinami should have tits that stick straight out at the largest size, whereas a used-up old whore like Misato Katsuragi should have the new saggier-looking tits. In the interest of factual accuracy, lol.

  160. We love you konashion!

    I think you should add an animation where she unzips his zipper with her teeth and sucks/licks/ his balls.

  161. where is the update? its almost not the weekend sort of :(

  162. After the final release (non-beta, I guess) you should release the source under the GPL or something.

    This would allow pretty much everybody to get what they want, and it would make your game's longevity increase.

  163. Like to add "men's dress shirt" to the tank-top/t-shirts request, and also different options for the school shoes -- brown-or-black solid-color leather, sneakers/sports shoes -- to the "boots" request from earlier. These might already be part of the "Costumes" in planning, but just making sure they're requested. ^_^

    Great game!

  164. Great game also like to see the tongue as hotkey press. Love the idea of her masturbating to please herself that would be cool. I cant wait to see the different moods and dialogues. You do great work with this game.

  165. kona, love you, you do gods work.
    but... *sniffle* weekend update?? :(

    comon man... i'm fiendin here. need my fix

  166. i tried playing this game but it didnt work >:

  167. @(Anonymus 25 July 2011 20:11 ) the guy who asks for the update: Shut up, asshole!! Konashion put the update when he want, you're not one to ask, kona works hard at something you like, so even if he don´t want to update, you're not who to ask for anything

  168. It would be nice if it was audio dialog?

  169. @(Anonymus 26 July 2011 00:15) lol y u mad? the guy was just asking a simple question.

  170. Congratulations again. This is an amazing piece of work that has already become reference throughout the internet.

    If I may leave a suggestion, it will be about the current behavior of cum. Like someone else said above, a "cum-pistol" behavior (unlike the present slow-motion-ish simulation) might be more interesting and realistic.

    Keep up the good work!

  171. "Anonymous said...

    'Wait, let me catch my Br-mph'
    18 July 2011 19:06"

    ... It's "breath," you idiot. -_-

    lol Great update.

  172. Why are you helping people fap? What can we do to ever repay you?
