

Weekend Update

Still no idea what the downtime was about last week. The only thing I've seen was this, so maybe it was something to do with that.

This weekend, I finished updating the auto modes to work with different penis sizes, and made it actually aim to try and avoid missing her mouth. I also added a couple of proper outside movements for Self auto. After that I mainly worked on drawing some more costume options and character hairs. Most of them are still just sketched out, but here's a preview of Seras Victoria: 
I said I'd add Android 18, Seras, and a couple of other characters before I even put the polls up, which is why I'm doing them first, but after that I'll start working through them roughly in order of popularity. 1.14 will be out next weekend.

I've just updated the Future Features page too, and I've tried to note most of the more common requests from last week, so check there if I haven't replied to your suggestion in the comments.


  1. w00t great work! cant wait for Titjob mode


  2. LOVE YOU KONAAAAA <3 3rd post!

  3. Excellent. Upset there's no updated version this week but i can wait!

    Great work.

  4. If I were to make a suggestion, could you implement hats in the future?

    1. Actually, one of the costume elements I was testing out this weekend was moving hats into a separate option. At the moment there's just Peach's crown and Noel's cap, but apart from the obvious cat ears, is there any other headwear that would be good to have?

    2. Bunny ears!

      Also not sure if you saw on the last update comments but splitting dialogue up more would be awesome. [BEFORE_] and [AFTER_] options for DT, Cum and passing out would make more alot more detailed and progressive dialogues

    3. Crowns, Tiaras, Bandanas, Generic Ribbons and Bow accessorys..

    4. a cat ears option i see =o

      if you want feed back you could try.

      feather headress, ball caps.

      Turbans ? Xd

    5. Horns, halo, head-wings... I guess elf-ears would be a different body part.

    6. Konaaa! I wait anxiously for Tsunade! And what do you think of using both hands to force a deep throat? Good idea? I need Tsunade! Hehehe!

    7. Konaaa, why not have the hats import like hairs?
      I know, redundant importing images like that but worth a thought.
      Too bad it would be next to impossible (At least for me) to morph segments of png files then you could import a png as a clothing item as well

    8. going along the lines of Peach's crown, how about circlets & tiaras ? should be relatively simple (I hope)
      maybe not circlets, they may cause problems due to using a slightly different part of the head

      seconding bunny ears, it's sort of a given

    9. Cat ears, Bunny ears, Dog ears...and the white thing Maid put on her heads (I dunno the word). Also, a very large number of character wear something like Santa hat in different colors.

      For next releases I suggest the school dress divided into shirt and "collar", that's because almost 99% of tv series charas wear this dress. And with shirt you can do another 99% characters :D. Also, Maid costume. Whatever, just my ideas.

  5. Did someone say hats?

  6. an update on superbowl sunday...

    turning out to be a pretty interesting monday here

  7. I know that you said in the future features page that different body shapes probably wouldn't happen.

    But could you make a slider to just make her legs and feet skinnier? If you leave her butt size the same all the clothing still fit perfectly. Any shoes will just be a bit bigger if shes set to skinny but that wouldn't look strange at all. Please consider this. If you look at model girls they all have skinny legs!

    P.S. How is the nose squashing animation coming?

  8. Belly button piercing, and jewelry5 February 2012 at 18:44

    Kona, would it be hard for you to draw a small belly button piercing for her? And also draw her a simple necklace, bracelets, and ankle bracelets? Sometimes I want her to look like a classy girl.

  9. now all we need is the guy to have a strap on and the chick to have a dick

  10. Is there anyway to bind breast size slider to mouse wheel?

    1. An extra option to associate the mousewheel to breast size, or optionally panis size, or auto-speed, or for the movement - player's choice.

  11. "Scared mode: I'd rather not add completely new features to make a really violent mode, but would just having a different expression with the standard dialogue be a good start?"

    it doesnt really have to be violent per say, but my only problem using the default mode for a scared scene is that she occasionally smiles when she looks up. as we all know, rape isnt supposed to be fun (even though it can turn out to be fun XD).

    a light frown and maybe a little crying when she looks up at him would probably be good enough.

  12. Can You please add dicks? and more detailed body scaling, like skinny, plump, Tall and Short? I think you're doing a terrific job, but it seems you already have a functioning dick written up. And just shrinking the Head and body proportionately doesn't seem that hard. I mean no offence of course.

  13. Great work Kona. Out of curiosity, is the double layer of legwear part of the planned accessories at all, or is that not possible?

  14. Konaaa! I wait anxiously for Tsunade! And what do you think of using both hands to force a deep throat? Good idea? I need Tsunade! Hehehe!


  16. Great works as usual!

    I know this feature is unlikely to happen, but I'm hoping for feature that lets you to upload character code text instead of copy and paste.

  17. As always, this is fantastic work that you're doing for free, and I am grateful.

    That being said, I'm interested what is being done, if anything, about the mismatch between penis length/width and throat bulge. There seems to be a max size on throat bulge, regardless of penis size, that I think could be fixed by a dynamic relationship between penis size and throat bulge.

    It's possible that you have already implemented this, in which case, I think that the bulge needs to be larger and go farther down the throat, at least for the largest penis sizes.

  18. Beastafidenature6 February 2012 at 03:29

    Kona showin' some love as always!!!!!!!

  19. I love your work , if I could add a suggestion would you consider add a Futanari option to the character?

  20. My cock is pleased.Continue.

  21. Hey, I think finally adding new hairs is great! Seras is already looking pretty wonderful! In the off chance you see this post, I'd like to suggest for future reference some spit/cum options.

    Like, if when you finished in her mouth, it overflowed (while it was still inside), or while she is outside, she drooled a certain amount (perhaps that the user can set?). Or maybe just a spit/drool generation slider! And and a slider to determine how fast he finishes, so the user can set it up so that he makes a huge mess much faster without spamming J! A lot of fun things to do with just spit/cum alone, could be an interesting thing to work on sometime :P

    Also dialogue wildcards, to make the dialogue more unique each time, if you ever get the chance :D

    Either way, great work Kona!


  23. Hi Kona,

    How easy/difficult/possible is it to add:

    o- a swimsuit
    o- latex look?

    Thanks much and keep up the great work!
    -Like Ra

  24. Oh, forgot another one: armbinder/single-glove?

  25. I didn't see a future update about a throat bulge fix or possibly a mouth fix..idk this is probably to much to ask but I think it would be a great perminant fix

  26. Since everyone else seems to not care about how much time you put into making this game and are just making suggestions for more work, I just want to say you really impress me with the fact you still are into this game's further development. I mean, you're doing this basically for free, and making an amazing product. Keep up the great work!

    1. yeah, I happen to be one of those annoying anons that just post suggestions all the time. It's not that we don't appreciate what he's doing or anything! A lot of us just like to throw out some ideas in case he likes them >_<. We're not necessarily trying to pressure him to do more work, at least I'm not. Just giving him ideas for him to consider, that's all!

      Nonetheless, I agree completely. He puts so much work into this project and totally for free, in fact he won't even let us donate lol. Plus the fact that he does such a great job and updates at a coherent pace... people like him are like diamonds, it's rare to find someone with such dedication to something he gets virtually nothing in return from (other than the constant requests of thousands of horny anons :P).

      Anyway, I just wanted to say that all of us request-fags aren't trying to make things harder for him. I think it's safe to say that we all appreciate what he does regardless of what he chooses to do and how fast he does it. Some of us just like to throw our two-cents in every once in a while!

  27. hey kona, I love your game as always! here some suggestions. (don't be mad about the last one ;))

    -"Scared mode":
    there doesn't have to be violence. I'd rather suggest a "disgusted" mode. (i.e. being grossed out when he comes on her)

    -Spitting / Precum / Wetness:
    precum should be just few drops that stick to his dick and drip down very seldom. it'd mostly turn me on to let her lick it off.

    -Handjob / Titjob mode:
    very nice! the more variation, the better, especially handjob!

    -New characters:
    I really don't get why. there are thousands of custom hairs in the forum and all over the internet. everyone can make hair, but you are the only one who can bring the game further.

    -one suggestion from me:
    throat twitching when cuming inside her. I think you could relatively easy do this by using the current throat bulge animation.

    1. the reason kona should make the hairs and characters is because he can animate the hair to move and not glitch, easy to put in your game. modding can sometimes be confusing i guess.

    2. A little throat bulge animation when he cums during full DT is actually a good idea.

  28. Looking forward to the dynamic breast.
    Awesome job by the way.

  29. Looks nice. Thanks for the updated Future Features. I'm looking forward to new arm positions (like one hand on base of penis; other hand on balls). Thanks for everything!

  30. Keep rocking on!!
    Hope to see soon gargling/throw up in planned future features :D

  31. Looking forward to the next version!

    On the subject of different expressions, would it be possible to get a mischievous expression for her, with angry eyebrows but a happy mouth?

    Keep up the great work!

    1. For the future, because it might take some programming skills: a mood for "A. I.": you chose the mood, and the, depending on the gameplay events, it changes through time, so the girl gets happy, pieced off, confused, crazy etc.. Could it be cool?


  33. Great job already.. playing with the dialogue options is a lot of fun..
    And I second the guy above, who wrote that more characters shouldn't have a priority over more Dialogue/Mood options.. There need not be many new Animations (I guess..) only a couple expressions for the face - fear, disgust - and ways to control the girls reactions more directly. Stuff like: if she gets filled with cum at least four times, she switches from normal to Ahegao mood and her reactions would from then on come from ahegao_general instead of the normal_general options. Kinda check which mood is active, to allow us to insert the appropriate options in the dialogue.

    Oh.. and maybe something to keep auto mode from interrupting/ending dialogue lines?

    1. "Stuff like: if she gets filled with cum at least four times, she switches from normal to Ahegao mood and her reactions would from then on come from ahegao_general instead of the normal_general options. Kinda check which mood is active, to allow us to insert the appropriate options in the dialogue."

      I love this idea!

  34. KEEEN

  35. How about a slider for how long it takes her to pass out? Or maybe a shortcut key? (personally I would prefer slider)I may be a psychopath but there is something arousing about sliding an unconscious [character] up an down my cock. And sometimes I don't want to wait two minutes for that.

  36. Sorry, forgot to thank you for the game -///-.
    Thank you for making such an AWESOME game!

  37. Do you have any plans on making a third poll? (forgive me if I am asking a stupid question) You could take some of the most popular of the two polls and put them on a third to get a better idea of what your fan's want next.

  38. please make her deepthroat deeper. nose smush isn't happening at all. make her deepthroat deeper so her whole face gets smushed.

  39. So according to the polls, Zelda, Tifa, and Hatsune Miku are next. I'm excited.

    1. Tifa and Mikus hair will be great dynamic, easy to recolour and alot different from other existing dynamic hairs. Zelda... i'm confused why shes got to many votes honestly.. Maybe before ther est are obscure anime characters you either know or don't

    2. I'm hoping it's the Twilight Princess / Smash Bros Brawl version of Zelda and not the Skyward Sword one, personally.

  40. I love you, Kona.
    So very much.
    I am a chick.[:

    1. Glad to see I'm not the only chick who plays and likes this game!

    2. Fuck off whores noone cares what gender you are. Not one of the male comments say I'M A GUY XD.

      Just fuck off

    3. Anon at Feb 7, 2012 03:23 PM is a homosexual who probably spams about futa. Disrespectful fag get out of here.

    4. It's kind of significant considering the nature of the game... Obviously if a guy liked it, it wouldn't really warrant an exclamation. Personally, I like knowing that there are a few females that follow this game for fun, makes it feel less like such a.. what's the word... "sausage fest" is the only thing that comes to mind.

      This is why everyone complains that there are no girls on the internet. Whenever they say anything, they get attacked. There's no reason to be hostile, honestly, just leave them alone. This is the reason why it seems like the whole internet is populated by guys alone..

      And I do agree to some extent, they didn't necessarily have to announce their gender (most likely for the purpose gaining attention), but you don't have to shoot them down; I think a simple "You don't have to announce your gender, you know..." would have sufficed.

    5. Anon from Feb 7, 2012 04:03 AM here, I was actually wary of saying anything for this precise reason. I don't know what the original girl anon's motivation for announcing her gender was, but mine was simply that I wanted her to know that she's not alone (since I was so glad myself to see that I wasn't alone), not to garner attention. I'm so sorry if I ruined something for you guys, though I admit that I don't see what was so wrong with it that you couldn't just ignore it. I mean, even if someone was trying to gain attention by making a big deal about their gender (on a site like this, while anonymous?), it's not like it's somehow a personal affront to you or somehow lessens your enjoyment.

      But yeah, sorry again. Won't happen again, you can count on that.

    6. ^
      I wouldn't worry about it that much. Just do what you want, ignore people that get unnecessarily angry. Seems like some of the guys on the internet are, for whatever reason, very insecure regarding matters like these and feel like they're obliged to voice their angry opinion whenever a female shows up.

      Nonetheless, I totally understand how you would never want to do this again, considering the kind of response it tends to garner. As you said, it really doesn't matter even if it did revolve around gaining attention. It doesn't affect anyones' experience whatsoever, some people just find enjoyment in making these sorts of things a big deal. Normally I wouldn't say anything, but this sort of unnecessary intolerance happens a lot and it bugs me quite a bit, so I just wanted to assure you that not all of us are feel like he does. In fact, most of us appreciate it when someone comes out and says what they are. It's just the angry ones that tend to be the loudest and end up being the only ones heard. Hope this makes you feel a bit better.

    7. Check out all these white knights. This is why bitches on the internet need to not attract attention. All the white knights come out of their hole and start forming a full defence force.

      Quickly guys, there's a girl on the internet! Best not let anyone disrespect her! Maybe she'll be my girlfriend!

    8. So you try to normalize being an asshole with name-calling propaganda? "Oh, don't you dare try to be a decent person. Because then that would mean that you're just a lonely white knight who's retarded enough to think they can get a girlfriend by saying a few nice things online!"

      Just stop with that nonsense. Being an asshole is not normal or acceptable, and being a decent person is not pathetic or sad. Apparently your morality is so twisted that you've come to believe that the 'white knights' are the pathetic ones, and the sadder part is that there are plenty more people out there who think like you do. If you want to indulge in being a douche to everyone, then fine, be my guest, but don't try to spread your douchbaginess by making other people hesitant to be nice in fear of being labeled a sad ol' white knight.

      This has nothing to do with personal gain or magically receiving a girlfriend, and everything to do with basic common courtesy; please get that into your head. Thanks.

    9. im just gonna say ok every one stop complaining about girls and not and just play it

    10. I think the only time guys ought to be angry at females announcing their gender is when they're bashing this site and those visiting it.
      Why be rude to those who follow this game for similar reasons you do?

    11. personally i like the fact a girl actually likes this kinda thing usually they just talk shit like "guys who play those kind of things are just no life perverts" im glad there actually are girls who dont mind it, actually i kinda would like to hear what she thinks about the game or what she thinks kona should add, you dont find to many women like that, i even had one tell me that it is discusting, and honestly just proclaiming that she is a female means nothing to me, and if someone is gonna chastise her for proclaiming that she is a girl they need to grow the fuck up

    12. I'm a girl too ^_^

      Kona should add more to the start of the game because when it gets past resistance all that's left is pretty unrealistic and violent deepthroatgagging. It's funny to play around with but the game always ends in tears and passing out! Guys who jerk off to this game are pretty sadistic!

    13. @Feb 9, 2012 12:20 AM
      You can make the game much more tame with the options.

      Go to the options tab and turn off gagging and coughing in the sounds portion. In the features portion you can also take off spit/tears/other things that may make it seem rough. As far as passing out, in the SDT forums they have a loader which lets you set her breath level as high as you want (you can set it so that she virtually never passes out) or you can just let her breathe every once and a while O.o. So just messing with the options a little can make the game seem a lot less violent. The game itself isn't sadistic, it's just a matter of how the user plays it :P

  41. Now that we have larger penis sizes, will you add a greater throat bulge as well? Maybe not something dynamic according to penis size, but perhaps just something more in line with the larger sizes as a secondary toggle along with enabling throat bulge. I know it would clip with the neck-wear, but it already sorta does (not that it really matters, I just turn it off if I turn on throat bulge).

  42. Kona, do you ever think you'd be able to make an option to "paint" on the characters skin using your mouse/touch pad? I realised that with some characters, you can't get the right "feel" due to knowing they have weird markings, etc on their skin.

    Something along the lines of just altering the hue of a certain stroke/line you place on the skin layer.
    If we could do this, it would be amazing.

  43. Thanks for all your work. I've noticed in the mods that it is possible to adjust the position of the girl. I think you changed the animation from something more dynamic than static. The only thing that can't be changed seems to be the angle of the neck. I think this last step would make for some interesting mods as there is an beta x-ray mod that works well now but the penis goes into the back of her head because of the angle.

    Again thanks for all your hard work.

  44. Google just redid most of their Terms of Use policies. I think they got rid of like 60 different policies to compress it into 1-3. I don't recall. The downtime may be because of that too. Since the Terms of Use changed, maybe they brought the blogs down untill you accepted a new one? (assuming you accepted a new one to get it back up) Other blogs have gone down too, thats just my best guess. Uhh, keep up the good work. Love you're game.

  45. Amazing game. said it before, still sticking to that! :'D
    However, is it me or is there something iffy with the lower half of the girl's body?

    I can understand after so long that you don't want to fix that. But to me, everything starting from the belly down looks out of proportion with the top half. Perhaps the girl's legs are too short. or the of her belly is going too far inwards. Am I the only one who noticed this?

  46. TENTACLE mode please... I think you're going like this too... :D

    1. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
      Thought i share what i made with above. I thought you would find this interesting. There are so many option to do tentacle, can even make them go all the way thru such as this pic. Many more tentacle examples in this. Possibilities are great

  47. Tongue color option please :P

  48. One of my favorite ones was 1.8.2b which added tongue piercings and it got me thinking and hoping for other piercings such as nose, lip, belly button and especially nipple piercings.

    I'd have to say that's my most wanted feature currently. Always appreciate your updates. :)

  49. Anon at Feb 7, 2012 03:23 PM is OBVIOUSLY GAY. "Noone cares what gender you are".

  50. Nipple piercings! n_n Pretty please?

  51. Is there any way to make a booty size slider? I would like her to have a little more junk in her trunk.

  52. Awesome work. What I think should be worked on, is the semen strands. Compared to the Final Fellatio X-2, these look a bit like Plasticine.

  53. It Doesn't Play on My Macromedia Flash Player...

  54. Hi konashion, I like the game a lot. I was just wondering if you can make it so you can cum and aim at her tits?

  55. More gagging sounds please.

    Here's a great video for more audio reference.

  56. Add an option for the reciever to have a vag and tits plz. yuri action would be appreciated

  57. I'm getting a glitch where the nose squashing animation happens regardless of being against something. It's happening anytime the throat threshold is passed.

  58. fuck dude! dont tease me!

  59. girls could use the free mode on this game to practice their bj skills lol

  60. I love this game, my one complaint is that when you added zoom all of the previous characters hair imports that had long hair became unusable with zoom as hair imports often didn't go all they way down.

  61. Nice! Two suggestions, though:
    - Changing tongue color option. Some of the girls don't have pink tongues (think some monster girls or the asari from Mass Effect)
    - Additional hand position for him: caressing (essentially moving his hand up and down the side of her head while in auto/self mode)

    1. Wow, that's a really good idea! Caressing I mean.

    2. Thirding the caressing option, that would be great!

    3. Upvoting both ideas here. Excellent points, both.

  62. I have a small suggestion:
    You should seperate the resistance mechanic from the holding hand as another option, so you could set the hand to hold without having her resist.

  63. Is there any way you could make inverted controls savable by character? I'm trying to make an improvised gangbang mode using flipped backgrounds.

  64. ^^^I actually meant "make mirror mode savable by character". I don't know why I said inverted controls

  65. Could you make the cum shoot out of both of her nostrils instead of one? or make it an option? Its one of my favorite features and I was thinking it would be even better with two streams. omg...

  66. Most of the time when she passes out if you try auto mode it won't work. Could you fix auto mode to work better with the passing out function?

  67. Can you make it possible to slap her face and pull her hair?

  68. Could you perhaps add an "unwilling" mode?
    To be more exact, a mode where she's trying to resist. Where she would try to keep her mouth closed and avoid letting you put it in her mouth, and trying to push you away with your hands when you're inside of her :P?

    1. I think angry mode needs new features. Maybe she could use the teeth more and bite down occasionally. Considering its a game it wouldn't hurt lol.

    2. I'd honestly love to see a reverse unwilling mode, myself, where the guy puts up a bit more of a fight rather than leading her or just standing by.

  69. Viva LA KONASHION!

  70. Possible to make the max. breast size bigger? Also lactating breasts?

  71. Thank you for your commitment to this great project. It's getting better and better with each release!

  72. Great as always. Is there a way to make HIM talk instead of her in a dialogue ?

    1. Guess there should be a way to put commands into the dialogue.txt which would allow text to be displayed without her mouth moving.. and maybe colourtags too, to make it easier to see who's speaking..
      Alas, it seems dialogue options don't seem to have a high priority..
      Too bad, IMHO, as the dialogue possibilities would make this game really different from other games..

  73. When she's on free mode I think she should do a squeezing motion with her hands to indicate a lack of air, rather than the tapping. She should only tap her hands when he is using "holding mode"

  74. Could you make Dialogue on/off savable by character? I want to be able to shut her up with the flick of a button rather than going into the options.

  75. pale skin for Him.

  76. So far it is the most awesomest game ever ever... but I think with a few improvements it could be better...

    My suggestions for improvement.

    Seperate Clothing from Body Parts :
    Things like Princess Peach's crown, rather than having her hair and crown one piece, seperate them for a bigger variety of customizable options.

    Add more hats :
    Cat ears
    Bunny ears
    Maid hat
    Party hat
    Leather Mask

    Add more shoes :
    Flip flops
    Open toe high heels
    Combat Boots
    Converse All-stars

    Better Aim :
    Make it so you can aim where he cums on her.

    Futanari Option (for him & her):
    Alot of people seems to like this (including me)

    More Piecrcings :
    Nipple rings (if futanari added, dick ring)

    More Balls :
    I don't know if it's just me, but you have a scale to change the size of his balls, but they don't seem to be visible.
    Take that and do something with teabagging... teabagging is cool.

    Improve the projectile and dripping seamen :
    So far it isn't BAD (definately better than others I've seen)... but it seems to be looking in terms of movement alot like silly string...

    Characters :
    Kisara Nanjo from History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
    Botan from Yu Yu Hakusho
    Integra Hellsing from Hellsing
    San from Princess Mononoke

    add some sexy guys.

    Hideyoshi Kinoshita from Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
    Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Don't forget Warrant Officer Schrödinger from Hellsing, nothing like a sexy wearcat!

    2. also don't forget futanari's are bigger than guys. also with the current max size of balls add a semen amount slider. also add a stomach cum inflation option. i like the idea of aiming but i prefer to have an option when he ejaculates it goes into her mouth not allover her face.

      also yoko litner from ttgl

    3. Some people don't appreciate how long it takes to get all of this stuff working together. Dude, look in the forums for the ModLoader.

  77. I noticed a bug that appears when combined with a long hairstyle and when it is placed in the first template section (over all)

    Hopefully not that hard to fix! Posting screenshots so you easier get what I meant Kona:

    Thanks a lot for all your hard work and keep it up man!:)

  78. love the gsme. could we slap her around??

  79. You said there's an update this weekend . Where is it , I can't wait Q.Q ?

  80. hiya could somebody tell me how to download the core bit of the game coz the only thing that it will let me download wont work help please

  81. OMG im on edge waiting for the next update. I hope its tonight

    1. yes as am i.... if it's tonight it will be within the next hour.

      from my observations he usualy updates at around 9-10:30 Eastern time

      or whenever he feels like i dont know.

  82. Hah, I just realized the way to get rimless thigh-highs, like in the Seras pic, is to use "striped" stockings with matching colors. A bit counterintuitive, but I'll take it!

  83. Uhm does anyone know which heads he's doing before the polled ones?
